The day at the funfair

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Alyx's POV!!

Todays the day I go on my first date with CC. I've only just woke up and its 1pm shouldn't have read creepypasta till 3am. CC told me the carnival is at 5 so 4 hours to look my best for CC. "Alyx hurry up and get ready we're going to maccy d's for lunch" Andy said. Typical Andy. I got up and took my jean shorts and Andy's batman vest top and my red high tops out and walked to the bathroom.

When I walked out of the bathroom I bumped into Ashley. He just stared at me "take a picture it will last longer" I said as I walked away from him.

Andy's POV!!

I watched as Ashley stared at Alyx. She said something that I couldn't properly hear. She walked into where me,CC,Jake and Jinxx were. "When we leaving?" Alyx asked me "When Ashley is ready which will be soon I hope!" I shouted enough so he heard me. "It takes a long time to look this good!" Ashley shouted from the bathroom.

Alyx and Ashley are okay at the moment he regrets doing what he did and apoligised enough to get Alyx really annoyed. Me and the guys are alright with him now apart from CC.

CC still wants to hit him but Alyx begged him not to. Once Ashley was ready we all walked up to Maccy d's and as soon as we walked in Alyx and CC ran to the drawing section. They both got given a pack of crayons and some paper. CC fangirled over some crayons. I shook my head at them both they are both as bad as each other.

I think Ashley got a bit jealous. He kept staring at them both while they were drawing and giggling. As I can see Alyx was drawing a fucked up Ronald Mcdonald and CC was drawing a stick figure with clothes.

I got our food and Alyx challenged us all who can eat the fastest which was a very bad idea. Jake won the eating contest. I had to call our tour manager to come pick us up because we felt ill. We sat back on the tour bus stuffed. It was about half 2 when we got back.

Alyx's POV!!

Once we got back on the tour bus I sat down for half an hour to slowly let my food digest. I laid on Andy while watching jake and CC playing the xbox. I fell asleep for about an hour and when I woke up I quickly ran to my bunk to get my clothes. I put on my asking Alexandria T shirt then my red skinny jeans I put my perfume on and my bracelets and necklace that Andy gave me.

I went back into the living room and put my black converses on. I looked up to see everyone looking at me. "What? Do I look okay?" I asked nervously. Everyone shook their heads and just looked around the room. CC walked through the door and hugged me.

CC's POV!!

Alyx looked so beauiful in the dark night with just a few lights shining around her. I looked at her and held her hand while we were walking towards the carnival. We both saw all the colorful lights and fairground rides. We both ran up to the ticket man and got us both a wristband and tickets for the lazer show at 10pm.

Alyx wanted to go on to the Tilt-A-Whirl first so we both ran over towards it and waited inline. I felt a tug on my trouser leg and looked behind me. I saw a little girl pulling my trouser leg "Hello why are you dressed in black?" The little girl asked. "Because I am in a rock band and sometimes rock bands where dark clothes" I looked back to Alyx who was laughing at me.

We finally got on the Tilt-A-Whirl and it made me really dizzy Alyx loved it but I nearly threw up. We got of that ride and I wanted to win her something on the fair games. Alyx watched as I reached for the little plastic balls to hit the milk bottles over. I did it in one shot I actually won something for Alyx! Alyx chose the big red fluffy drumkit to remind her of me.

Alyx's POV!!

We went on so many rides I think CC is feeling a bit ill at the moment and its time to go home anyway we just got out of the lazer show and its nearly 12 o'clock. Me and CC walked back to the tour bus lauging but tiredly we finally got onto the bus and everyone was looking at us "Hey Andy look what CC won for me in the fair games" I shouted Andy giggled at me and told me to go to bed as its late.

My dad.....Andy BiersackWhere stories live. Discover now