Chapter 16

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Time skip~ (because idk what to write and cause why not ;) )

btw this will be in minghao's side for awhile

It has been months since Mingyu and Wonwoo got together. They would always eat together for lunch. Mingyu introduced Wonwoo to his friends and so did Wonwoo. They both were always the cutest together.

Minghao on the other hand, was struggling. He was trying to move on but he couldn't. Whenever he thought he was doing a good job moving on, Mingyu would always do something that made him fall for him again.

Minghao hated it, he just wanted to stop this pain. He just wanted to be happy, why wasn't the universe letting him be happy?

Minghao decided to be alone for awhile. He would decline going out with his friends just so he could have some alone time with himself.

He was glad none of his friends were asking why. Minghao decided to drown himself in his studies. He was already in his 2nd year of high school. He wanted to get good grades for his college.

He wanted to go for music and arts. There was a college he wanted to go but he needed good grades to get in. Minghao decided it was a good time to start studying harder.

Minghao started to study after school until night. He continued to do this until his friends started to get worried for him. Minghao would stay up late at night whenever they had a test. His eyebags were visible but he didn't care.

Studies allowed him to forget all the pain he was going through cause of one boy he still couldn't get over.

"Minghao I think you should stop studying for awhile." Seokmin said as they were eating lunch.

Minghao was finishing up the work that their teachers just gave them before lunch. Minghao's lunch was untouched, getting colder by the minute.

"Wait I'm almost done."

"Minghao why are you doing this to youself?" Seokmin asked sighing.

Mingyu had went off to buy some more lunch as he was still hungry. Wonwoo was with his friends right now.

"What do you mean I'm perfectly fine-"

"No you're not, you're not fine. You're hurting yourself more Minghao. I know you still love Mingyu but please, stop hurting yourself like this. I can't bear to see you like this." Seokmin said, begging.

Minghao looked at Seokmin and kept quiet. Seokmin was right, he knew he was damaging himself more instead.

"How Seokmin? What do I do then?" Minghao asked, his fingers running through his hair.


"I can't do that!" Minghao cut Seokmin off.

"You're right, you wouldn't want to do that."

"Never mind Seokmin, I will move on soon." Minghao said but instead it sounded more like he was trying to convince himself.

Seokmin looked at him and sighed. "Fine but you stop studying for awhile. Relax a bit, I know that college you want needs good grades but you also have to live your life."

Minghao sighed and nodded. He closed his book and ate his now cold lunch. Seokmin looked at his friend once again before sighing. He hoped everything would be better for him.

Minghao went back home about to study again before he remembered what Seokmin said. He didn't want to upset his friend so, he listened and instead spend some time for himself.

He had to admit, he missed having not to sit on his chair all day long, revising until night. Today he felt free. Minghao smiled, maybe he should listen to his friends more often.

And so he did,

"Mingyu, I need to tell you something." Minghao said.

Seokmin looked at him, shocked.

"Are you really gonna tell him?" Seokmin mouthed to Minghao.

Minghao gave him a smile before mouthing,


"Oh sure what is it?" Mingyu asked with a smile.

"I like you" Minghao said.

"W-what?" Mingyu spluttered out.

"Yeah I like you that's all." Minghao said before sitting back down.

"What do you mean you like me? As in like friends or-"

"More than that idiot but don't worry, I just wanted to tell you so I can give up on you." Minghao said as he opened his book.

"I'm sorry Minghao I-"

"I never asked you to be sorry, it isn't your fault for this. I fell for you so it's mine" Minghao smiled.

"I'm sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry for not noticing or knowing, I'm sorry for-"

"Mingyu chill, it's gonna be the end of the world just cause I said I liked you." Minghao joked.

"W-we're still best friends right?!" Mingyu asked worriedly.

Minghao laughed at Mingyu before looking at him.

"Of course, till the end of the world." Minghao smiled.

He felt the weight lifting off his shoulders, he felt free from what he had been feeling the whole time.

Mingyu sighed in relief before hugging Minghao.

"I thought I was gonna lose someone who means so much to me.." Mingyu said.

Minghao smiled and patted his back.

"I'm not as important as Wonwoo hyung, that's for sure." Minghao teased.

"You're still just as important!" Mingyu quickly said.

"Hey what about me?" Seokmin pouted.

"We're all best friends no matter what." Minghao said and Seokmin smiled widely.

"Besides I will stop liking you eventually." Minghao shrugged.

Mingyu nodded but he still felt guilty. Minghao sighed and smacked his head.

"Ow! What was that for?" Mingyu whined.

"For feeling guilty about nothing. Look just cause I said I like you doesn't mean you should change how everything was before between us. Just act the same, I rather have that than you being a stupid idiot. I mean you are already but still."

"I get it! I get it! I just feel bad that I kept talking about Wonwoo to you like a lot." Mingyu pouted.

"Yeah that hurt me."

"I'm sorry!"

"I'm joking Mingyu! Honestly I was perfectly fine, you and Wonwoo hyung look good together!" Minghao sincerely said.

Mingyu pouted and nodded. Minghao sighed.

"Don't worry Mingyu, I'm serious. It's not a big deal! I don't like you that much."

"I don't know if I should feel glad or offended by that."

"Both cause I don't know why would anyone like your ass."

"How ironic of you to say that"

"Shut up idiot"

"Why are you rude to me?"

Minghao laughed. He was glad he was able to tell Mingyu and their friendship never changed which made me glad. For once, the universe was being nice to him.

so i made minghao confess to mingyu aYE

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