Chapter 15

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Mingyu walked out of his house, with a bright smile. He had a beanie on his head, scarf wrapped around him tightly, wearing thick coats and sweaters. He exhaled and fog was seen.

It was winter. Although autumn was his favourite and it went by fast, winter was one of his other favourite. He had his warm packed lunch he had made for him and Wonwoo in his small bag that wouldn't lose heat fast.

He walked to Wonwoo's house, waiting for him outside. It was a routine now. Wake up, get ready, make lunch for both of them, walk to Wonwoo's house, walk together to school.

Mingyu waited outside, exhaling hot air into the cold winter air creating fog as he did that. It was cold but Mingyu knew Wonwoo wouldn't take long.

Wonwoo walked out of his house, wearing his clothes similarly like Mingyu. Wonwoo closed the door and saw Mingyu, he smiled widely, his nose scrunching.

Mingyu loved that he was the reason Wonwoo smiled like that. Wonwoo walked to Mingyu.

"Hi." Wonwoo said.

"Hey" Mingyu replied before planting a kiss on his cheek.

Wonwoo blushed, quickly looking away. Mingyu chuckled mumbling, "cute" making Wonwoo punch him on the shoulder.

"That hurt" Mingyu pouted as they walked to school.

"Your fault." Wonwoo said.

Mingyu pouted more. Wonwoo slowly grabbed Mingyu's hand and held it tightly. Mingyu looked at Wonwoo with a grin but the older had looked away, embarrassed.

Mingyu giggled at how cute he was before swinging their hands lightly as they continued their way to school.

"I'll see at lunch later." Wonwoo said before handing one small candy to Mingyu.

It was to repay for all the candy he had given him, Mingyu felt butterflies in his stomach when Wonwoo told him the reason.

Mingyu fell for Wonwoo more day by day and he didn't mind. Mingyu nodded and gave Wonwoo one last hug before they both went to their own classes. Wonwoo held one of Mingyu's sleeves, stopping Mingyu from leaving. Mingyu turned to Wonwoo, confused.

"Yes hyung?" Mingyu asked oblivious.

Wonwoo slightly pouted before quickly kissing Mingyu lightly on the cheek before speed walking to his class, leaving Mingyu speechless before turning to a blushing mess.

He really liked this stage of their relationship and how Wonwoo acted. He found it adorable.

But then again, he found Wonwoo adorable since he met him the first time.

Lunch soon came and Mingyu brought their lunch to the rooftop. A bad decision to eat at but it was where sometimes Mingyu and Wonwoo would go just to be alone together.

Wonwoo walked to where Mingyu was sitting and sat down beside him. Wonwoo had a book in his hand like usual.

Mingyu smiled before passing Wonwoo the lunch he had made.

"Thanks Mingyu" Wonwoo softly said as he reached out to take it.

Mingyu sneakily stole a kiss from Wonwoo before nodding.

"You're welcome"

"Don't do that." Wonwoo said pushing Mingyu playfully.

Mingyu laughed, he loved making Wonwoo embarrassed. Wonwoo glared at Mingyu but it soon disappeared as he saw Mingyu's bright smile.

Wonwoo let out a soft sigh before looking at Mingyu endearingly. They began to eat, sharing some laughs at times.

"Hey hyung," Mingyu spoke with a serious tone.

"Mhm?" Wonwoo asked, his eyes closed as he was feeling the cold breeze.

"You know I love you right?" Mingyu softly said but Wonwoo heard it.

Wonwoo nodded still not opening his eyes.

"Yeah of course I do, why?"

"Do you love me too?" Mingyu asked insecurely.

He knew the answer but sometimes he couldn't help but think otherwise. He would overthink about it everyday and he didn't know why.

"Of course I do Mingyu, what are you saying this out of nowhere?" Wonwoo asked finally opening his eyes to see Mingyu looking at him, insecurely.

It's like Mingyu thinks Wonwoo would just disappear out of thin air. Wonwoo wrapped his arms around Mingyu pulling him into a hug.

"I love you too Mingyu, I know I don't express it well but I do. Don't ever think I don't." Wonwoo said.

"Really?" Mingyu softly asked, pressing his face on Wonwoo's shoulder.

"Yes Mingyu." Wonwoo said with a gentle smile.

Mingyu stared at Wonwoo before leaning in closing the gap as he placed his lips onto Wonwoo's. Both of them taking part in it. The cold wind blew hard but they didn't care.

"I love you" Wonwoo said as they pulled away, out of breath.

"I love you too, Wonwoo." Mingyu smiled before pulling him into another kiss.

"Wonwoo? Shouldn't it be hyung?"

"Ehh, I thought you wouldn't mind since we're dating"

"I never said that"

"So I can?"


"You're so cute Wonwoo"

"S-shut up!"

um idk anymore honestly whoops, anyway tmr is christmas eve here! it's almost christmas im so excited

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