Chapter Five

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Chapter Five -

Running a hand through my hair, I nurse a cup of coffee as mom hacks from her chair in the living room. The sound makes me roll my eyes as I chug the last drop of my coffee. I can see mom's reflection in the TV and notice that she's stitching. She used to make those all the time right after her accident. Since she couldn't get out and exercise the doctor told her that it would keep her hands active. When I stand over her, I notice the blue birds and pink flowers that she's stitching this time on a pillow case

"So," mom says, looking up at me from her stitching as she pushes her glasses up her nose. They magnify her eyes making her look even older. "What are your plans for the day? I know you ain't staying here up my ass all day."

"Thought you'd want me up your ass all day, ma." My lips curve into a smirk as she glares at me. Mom has bad memories of me staying home all day. As a teenager, mom hated grounding me more than I hated it. I knew the right buttons to press to annoy her. Probably still knew them but unlike the teen I was back then, I know how important my mother is to me now.

"Fine," I say holding my hands up in mock surrender. "I'll find something to do. Even if it is with those rascals I called friends at one time." Mom just rolls her eyes returning to her stitching. I watch to ask her some questions but it's too soon. She'd immediately be suspicious of my return. Though she already was, I could always see it in her eyes. Mom was gullible when it came to everyone but me or my father. She stopped listening to our excuses years ago. Sometimes I wish she would have stopped listening to my dad before he got sent away.

I lean and kiss the top of her hand, squeezing her shoulder. Standing upright, I head over to the phone in the kitchen. Despite the years away, I know Clyde's number like the back of my hand. Thankfully it's after noon, he should be awake. Probably hung over, but I know the cure of Clyde's kind of hangover. He's the only person that I can think of that will tell me what I need to know. Obviously Alisha and Nate have put me on their shit list.

Grabbing the phone, I quickly dial Clyde's number hoping I don't wake him. Waking a hungover Clyde is never a good thing, let me leave it at that. I think he once broke his expensive cell phone against the wall when Nathan called and he was hungover.

"Ash? Thought I'd hear from you today." Clyde's voice is thick with sleep. "After the chaos last night with Ali, Nate, and Penny, thought I'd be hearing from you."

"Yeah," I chuckle dryly, "you're the only person that will talk to me right now. How about we meet at the mall? Isn't the cure for a hangover, the best nachos on town which happen to be at the mall."

Clyde laughs. "Damn, man. You haven't forgotten." Clyde pauses and I hear him cough for a minute. "I just need a shower. Got up an hour ago. You know me, coffee and cereal first. I can meet you at the mall."

"Thanks, man. I owe you one."

"Don't thank me yet. I know what you want to know. It's not pretty, Ashford. You might come out of this wanting nothing more than to leave again. Anyway, I'll see you soon."

I put the phone back on the hook as mom stood from the chair. She looks at me before moving in my direction. "Do I need to expect a phone call from anyone while you're gone?"

I know what she's asking. It reminds me of the questions she asked my father when I was too young to understand. I pause because I'm not actually sure if anyone will call. I've been gone long enough for them to know that I've jumped bail. The bail bondsman is the one who will probably hire a bounty hunter. Though my employers might use the bail bondsman against me. I never told those people where I was from, at least not the truth. Yet I know who cunning those people can be. How long will it be before the police here are notified? Not sure if it's the same sheriff, Malloy, but if it is, he'll just show up at the house. He won't even call because he knows my mother can't withhold her temper toward me.

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