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"Did she really need to know?" Sparrow sighed into the phone.

I shrugged even though she couldn't see me. "What is she going to do? Call the police?"

"It's not funny, Law." she snapped. "I love her, and she adores Roci... But you have to understand that as much as she hates her father, the rest of that family was good to her."

I rolled my eyes as I loaded the empty popcorn bowl into the dishwasher.

"I can hear your eyes, kid." Sparrow grumbled. "I'm serious though. You saw how much everyone doted on her. She only forgave Roci because he was her favorite. What are we going to do if-"

"Where would she go?" I was beginning to question why I even called this woman. "She's just a kid, anyway. All her friends are in this area."

"You're still a kid, too, Law." Her tone softened and sickened me with sweetness.

"Shut up, Mrs. Belov."

"Aww, who's a cute little boy~?"

"I can definitely tell you two are related." I grumbled. "Anyway, Wren won't do anything that would put you or Cora in trouble, and that covers me by extension. I'm going to bed." I hung up before she could answer.

Just as I went to set the phone down, it rang. I recognized the number, but you just couldn't be too careful. "...."

"What has yellow teeth-"


The voices almost immediately devolved into a screaming match over whatever stupid riddle they were trying to use. I shook my head at them. "Shachi, Penguin, you're gonna blow out my eardrum."


"I know it's you. It's hard to mistake your antics." No matter how frustrated I got with them, they only meant well. It was hard to stay angry when I knew they were just looking out for me and Cora.

"So Bepo's parents are out of town~!" I could almost see Penguin's eyebrows waggling.


Shachi groaned. "Do I have to spell it out for you? We're gonna have a party! A little one. Mostly. Anyway, only good friends."

"And family." Penguin jumped in. "So you could, uh-"

"I am not bringing Wren to your stupid party." I snapped. The idea of her so close to these two goons (and any of their extended groups) made me nervous. She was too... Stupid. That's what I told myself. "She's not a friend or family, so she doesn't count."

I tried not to think about the time one of her 'friends' convinced her that a glass of paint water was chocolate milk. Wren was just so naive and trusting... But it wasn't as though I would worry about her. At least that's what I told myself.

"Awww, come on~" Shachi trilled. "Jean can swing by and pick you both up, and-"

"No." I growled, gripping the phone a little tighter. "Everyone there is going to be at least able to drive, right? She's just a kid."

"We're all kids." He reasoned. "What could it hurt?"

"Enough, Shachi. Sparrow will freak if her beloved little girl isn't home when she gets here. You know how she is." It seemed reasonable enough.

"Eh. Fine. We'll send Jean to pick you up in.... Five minutes. He's got a flashlight, so watch for him."

"Yeah yeah." I sighed and hung up the phone.

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