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It was almost 11 when I sat down in bed and took a deep breath.

He was alive. He had lost his memory.

A tear slowly slipped out as I lay in bed thinking what would go down tomorrow. I knew it could be really good or really bad. I silently sobbed as I mourned for Draco, whom I had gained only to loose him again.

I was slowly drifting to sleep when a familiar pair of arms wrapped around me and I fell asleep in those comforting arms.

In the morning...

I slowly blinked my eyes open and saw the sunshine pouring in to my room. Out of habit, I reached to touch Draco's necklace only to find that my arm was being held tightly against my waist by someone else's arms. My eyes widen as I turned around to see none other than Draco Malfoy next to me in my bed. His face lay mere centimeters away from mine. He was so peaceful and calm like this. My mind flashed memories of the time we spent in the Reflective Room. His warm embrace flooded me with past memories and warm emotions. I slowly got my arms out of his embrace and wrapped them around his neck, pulling him closer and embracing his warmth.
I fell asleep once again and this time I slept peacefully and happily.


Last night I had snuck into Granger's room. I don't know why. Well, no, that's a lie... I had heard her crying and her sobs killed me, they hurt me to no extent. I don't remember anything at all. I don't know who I am. I don't know who these people are. I don't know my family. I just don't know myself!
And it kills me. It kills me to not know these kind people whom I love so much, yet I don't know why...
I don't have any memories, but I have such strong emotions for them. I know that that beautiful brunette whom I have the urge to call "Granger" all the time, is someone I obviously loved to no extent. And that boy tall, blue eyed boy, that's been taking care of me is definitely one of my best friends. I don't know why, but I have strong emotions for all of them.

I woke up to find Granger's face just a few centimeters from my own and her arms were wrapped around my neck and she was peacefully asleep. I slowly started to slither out of her loving hug, trying not to wake her and when I was almost out the door, she woke up. "Mmmmm... Dra-aaco?" she yawned and looked at me. "Morning Granger. I'll be in the kitchen, eating." I smirked and left the room. When the door clicked behind me, I felt something click inside of me. I remembered a flash of her in this room with me and she was sleeping next to me, just like now.

I shrugged off the thought and quickly whipped up some scrambled eggs and milk for Griff, Granger, and myself. We had a quick and silent breakfast. Something seemed to be bothering both of them. They were both deep in thought, I stared at my plate once I was done.



I was thinking about what had happened last night and what would happen this evening. Last night, Draco came to me and slept next to me. Maybe, I could figure something out to get him back. But right now, I had to focus on the short term instead of the long term. What was going to happen this evening?
I had invited the people who I thought needed to know that Draco and Griff were alive the most... Zabini, Ginny, Harry, Ron and Vannah. Oh no... Vannah... Griff... that's going to be one heck of a reunion... Zabini and Draco were best friends. That's also something that would be big. I groaned as I sat down on the coach, "This is going to be great." I sighed sarcastically.

Imma switch to 3rd person POV now... I just feel like it should be 3rd person...

That Evening...
The bell to Hermione's apartment rang and she slowly walked to the door and opened it to see Ginny and Harry's smiling faces greet her. "Mione!" They both said as they hugged her. "Hey Harry! Hi Ginny!" She welcomed them into her home and they sat down on the couch, "I'm going to wait until the others arrive to tell you all the big news."
Griff and Draco were in the other room waiting till Hermione introduced them. Griff was so nervous, his hands were sweating and he was wringing his fingers together as his eyes were shifting around. He was going to see Vannah after such a long time. He sat there on the bed wondering what would happen, anticipating what would happen. Draco sat there next to his friend, wondering who he would meet today and what would happen. One by one the people filed into Hermione's living room. Ron had brought Lavender Brown, who believe it or not had changed a lot since the war. She calmed down quite a bit from her usually frazzled state. Her usually curly dirty blonde hair had calmed itself down and it was a bit shorter than it was before the war. She was less girly and had stopped calling Ron that ridiculous name of hers. They both sat down and Zabini and Parkinson filed in, Zabini had brought Pansy along. Lastly, Vannah came. The door rang and Hermione answered and was met with Vannah's sad green eyes. Savannah smiled, "Hey Hermione." She gave her a hug. Vannah had changed emotionally and physically too. Her face now had a scar going from her left eyebrow to the left corner of her lip.
Griff stood up abruptly when he heard her voice. He heard her after so many years. He heard her soothing voice and he forgot where he was and what he was supposed to be doing and followed the melodic voice to the living room. All conversation stopped when Griffin stepped into the room and said, "Vannah?" Everyone stopped moving and stared at the 20- year old man as he looked at his lost love. She slowly got up and locked eyes with the blue eyed boy. "Griff?" Her voice cracked and tears began to form in her striking green eyes.

Hey snippets!
I'm here with another chapter!
I hope you all enjoyed! It was extra long this time...
Please vote and comment(I love those)


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