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Picture is of Lavender after the war... I know you all hate her with a passion and so do I, but I'm trying to give the character another chance... don't hate me cuz she's nice in this book...

After the visit to Mione's house, everyone went home with their own food for thought. They all apparated away one by one to their own homes and Hermione sighed as she sat down on her comfortable couch. It went better than she expected, that's for sure. Everyone was shocked to the core, but honestly it was great. Seeing all of her friends come together just for her and Draco... it was just amazing and gave Hermione so much hope. Maybe it just might work... just maybe. She sighed and went to turn in for the night. Just as she snuggled into the blanket, she heard a tapping on her window. She groaned as she got out of bed to see what it was. A beige colored owl hopped into her room with a letter in its beak, and the letter had a very familiar stamp on it.

Draco remembered something when he saw all of those people together... and also when that aggressive red head was yelling and hitting him. He remembered flashes of a few adventures he had had with that boy... what was his name? Ah yes, Blaise or Zabini as he liked to call him. And his girlfriend used to be infatuated with him he believed. But in the end, she realized that he was nothing more than her best friend and she had straightened herself out a bit. And then those other people... The two red heads, the blonde, and the scar head... he remembered hating them. Their names were Ron Weasley, or Weasel King as he liked to call him, and Ginny Weasley, or Weaslette, and Harry Potter, Pothead, and Lavender Brown. Brown he did not remember very well because he had never really met her back then, but he did remember her being such an annoying little prat. She seemed different now from what he recalled... more pulled together... He remembered hating The Weasels and Pothead, but not so much Hermione. She was their best friend or something, he recalled. It was weird, not knowing things. It's weird when you know that you had a life and you don't remember what it was. It kills you, it hurts you to see all these people who care about you and you can't even remember why they do. He sighed and looked out the window. He was gazing at the moon when a shadow appeared. It seemed like the shape of a bird... an owl appeared and landed in front of the window sill. It had a letter in its beak with a bright red stamp on it.

Ron and Lavender got back to their small cozy little apartment. "I'm sorry to hear about Draco and Hermione... I really am." She said quietly. Before the war started, Lavender was an immature, infatuated, and insecure little girl. But after loosing everything she had ever loved, she realized that there are bigger things than her crummy little conflicts and her petty insecurities. Ron looked at Lavender, "I am too, love. Do you know their story?"
The young woman shook her head.
"Well... this from what I gathered... Hermione and Draco grew close for some reason in that 1 day that they were absent. They both began hanging out more. Hermione grew very distant from us and began defending Draco. Some where in all of this... they fell for each other. Draco and his friend, Griff, were deemed dead even though we never found their bodies. They both were named good because of Draco's sacrifice. Hermione stopped being herself though... and now, Draco's back. And he has no memory." He finished.
"Well, that certainly is sad... how can we help them?" She asked with true sincerity.
"I don't know, love. I don't know..." he trailed off as he held her hand.
Just then, a brown owl flew in through an open window and landed on the table in front of them. It had 2 letters in its beak, each addressed to a different individual in the room.
"What's this?" Ron asked as he picked up the letter.
"It's a letter... from Hogwarts!" Lavender piped excitedly.

Harry and Ginny got back to their apartments when they heard continuous tapping coming from the window. Harry had realized that even though Malfoy had been a git in the past, maybe he would change after losing his memory. Ginny was skeptical about helping the two of them, as those two sorry, stupid, idiotic excuses for men had hurt her two best friends. They snapped out of their thoughts and turned their attention to the owl that was holding two letters in its beak. Harry let the majestic bird in and looked taken aback when he looked at the letter. Ginny read hers twice just to make sure what she was reading was true.

Dear Ms. Ginny Weasley,

I finally have the honor to say that you have been invited to attend the newly restored Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
You will be returning to proceed further with your education and you will attend as a 7th year. All 7th years before the war, are invited to redo their year, but this time as 8th years.

I hope to see some new and old students there.

Minerva McGonnagal
Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

"They're having us come back to school, Harry!" Ginny squealed excitedly and hugged Harry.
"That's right!" He exclaimed, "maybe things might get better..." he said cuddling with his girlfriend on the couch.


I know I deserve everything you have to kill me... but I have a good reason...
School, dudes, friends, family, life.
Also I am continuing a story for a friend (12345Hermionegranger ) on her account. It's called "The Quiet Girl". Check it out, it's really good!

You may proceed in murdering me now...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2018 ⏰

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