Chapter 1 First Day Back

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Aniya's POV 

      "Aniya! Why aren't you awake? You have school!" My mother yelled while banging on my door. Turns out I never turned on my alarm last night. I rolled over to look at the time and it read 6:55. Shit. I only have 20 minutes to get ready for school! It's also my first day of senior year. 

       "I'm up mom. I'm up. Sorry. I forgot to set my alarm since almost everything is packed." I responded to her after I realized that she was still banging on my door. "I'm getting ready now." 

        As soon as I said that I jumped out of bed. I rushed over to my desk where I had laid out my outfit for today. It was a simple black skirt and a mustard colored crop top. I rushed to my bathroom that was across the hall almost knocking my little sister down in the process. I mumbled my apology to her but continued on. As soon as I got into the bathroom I was glad that I had showered the night before. I got dressed within 5 minutes and that meant I had 15 minutes to put on a little bit of makeup so I didn't look like I only got half ready. 

        Running down the stairs I reached the kitchen to find my mom making my siblings lunches. I quickly thanked her and kissed her on the head since I'm taller than her in the heels I had decided to wear today. 

       As I was rushing out the door I grabbed my keys and got into my Jeep. Memories of last Christmas ran through my head as I started the Jeep. My parents had bought it for me since I had always wanted one. Turns out the reason they did was to get me in a great mood just to tell me that they were getting divorced. Such a great Christmas... NOT! That gets us to where we are now... moving out of my childhood house. Since the divorce is finalized my dad decided that my mom had to move out. Since I'd be living with her most of the time my dad offered to buy me a whole new bedroom set for when I was at his house. So tonight I would be moving all my stuff into a new house. It didn't bother me as much anymore. My room there was more private. When they announced the divorce my parents got two separate bank accounts and started putting their paychecks into separate accounts. It was safe to say that my mom had a higher paying job than my dad. Even though they never told me what they did somehow at the end of the 8 month period of their divorce my mom had a lot more money than my dad.

       I guess while I was zoned out I made it to school. I don't know how I made it here without hitting anything but, I guess I did. When I turned my car off I noticed my best friends, Gianna and Corrine, walking towards me. They smiled brightly at me when I finally noticed them. I opened my door and gave them both hugs after jumping out of my seat. 

       "ITS SENIOR YEAR!" Gianna screamed in my ear while hugging me. I love that girl but my lord she doesn't know that eardrums can burst.       

      "I know it is. I can't believe we finally made it." Corrine stated with a very excited grin across her face. 

      They continued talking between themselves while I zoned out. We were walking into the school when the announcement we hear every year  blared over the intercom. "ALL STUDENTS PLEASE REPORT TO THE GYM. ALL STUDENTS PLEASE REPORT TO THE GYM." It was time for the whole 'welcome back. This will be an amazing year' speech. This is finally the 4th and final time I have to go through hearing that. The one thing I hate about this speech is they decide where you sit. 

       The girls and I make our way to the gym along with everyone else in the school. Once we got to the lobby we found the senior line where they were handing out papers with the seat number you would be in. Turns out this year we were picking from a hat. They had only a select number of slips in there and would add more as students were grabbing them. Gianna  picked first and then Corrine and then me. After we all picked we went over to the side to see how far apart we would be sitting.        

         "I got 24" Gianna announced opening hers first.        

         "I got 23" Corrine said very happy with her choice of paper. 

         Now it was my turn. I opened it and immediately my face dropped of course I would be sitting NOWHERE near my friends. " I got 69" I told them looking down sighing. 

       After a quick goodbye to them once they got to their seats I trudged up to find mine. I had never sat this high up in the stands for assembly so it was really weird. 4 rows up from my friends I found my seat it was the end seat so if anyone needed to get in I had to move. Every seat was claimed except for one. Seat 68. I waited and waited but nobody claimed it. Looking around there were only 5 seats left open...that meant. Oh no. I was gonna have to sit next to one of the bad boys. That's not what I wanted.    

     Our principal Mrs. Fran started the assembly the way she does every year. Part way through the speech I hear someone next to me clear their throat. I guess that's my seat partner. I look up and come face to face with Blake Kingsley. The one I was hoping it wouldn't be. He was the baddest of them all. I had successfully avoided him as much as possible the last 3 years but now I start off senior year stuck sitting next to him. Much to the dismay of my brain telling me to stay seated and never move for him I get out of the seat to let him in.
The rest of the assembly went rather quickly. Blake didn't try to talk to me which was much appreciated. As soon as the assembly was over and Mrs. Fran released us i shot up from my seat and ran down the bleachers to my best friends.   

   "OH My Gosh! Aniya you got to sit with Blake Kingsley!" Gianna swooned when I got to them. As you can probably pick up. Every single girl in this school has a crush on Blake Kingsley and his friends. Me on the other hand, I can't stand them. You might be wondering why. Well let's go back in time to 3rd grade.      

       It was half way through my 3rd grade year. When all of a sudden my teacher, Mrs. Tinsley cleared her throat to get all of our attention. "Hello class. So today we have 2 new students starting. They are twins. So class meet Blake and his twin sister Corrine." 

       You may be wondering, Corrine as in your best friend. Oh yes, Corrine as in my best friend. We were paired together that very first day. Since then we were inseparable. When it came to her brother on the other hand. All he did was harass me. Nobody knew how they could be so different. How he could be so mean and how she could be so perfect. 

     Anyway, all Blake would do was throw pencils at me, push a swing as I was walking by so that it would almost hit me, take anything that I would be playing with. It was terrible. 

      Now, the beginning of senior year I already had to deal with him. Oh, did I also mention that we were moving in right beside him and Corrine. I was stoked to be by Corrine; Blake on the other hand, all I could prepare myself for was torture.


Well, well, well. A new story. Ya see this one will be different. I have already written multiple chapters so that they will actually come out on a scheduled time. Anyway comments, questions.

Aniya, Blake, Gianna, and Corrine are in the picture :)

All criticism is welcome as long as you aren't being an asshole. 

As with all my books, like, comment and add to your library. 

Much love,


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