please dont hate me

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hi guys. yfnpt here. im sorry.

it's been almost 3 months !? and that i will never apologize enough for.

this year is the hardest year ive had yet in terms of school work, so i started focusing more on that, and that left me with no time to work on my stories. specifically, dirty water :'(

i will finish this!!! i promise.

it might just take a while.

summer is always the most convenient time for me to write since i don't have much going on. i would hate to wait that long to keep working on this but i want to pass sophomore year so if that's what it takes...

idk yet.

thank you all for your consideration. again, my sincerest and deepest apologies.


(if u wanna keep up with me, my twitter and tumblr are both @/nonfictionphan)

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