Nightwing's Omega

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The picture above does not belong to me. It's just what I think Nightwing would look like as a Wolf.

Warning for Implied Sexual intercourse.


Nightwing strolled into the cave, glancing around for his speedster. He picked up the faint sounds of whispering throughout the cave, noting everyone's position. He growled when he located someone standing too close to Wally.

The many Alphas, betas, and omegas, quickly stepped aside to let him pass, sensing his dark and irritated mood. The room his Speedster was in fell into a quiet, and tense silence, as Nightwing took in the scene in front of him.

Artemis, another Alpha, had Wally pinned down against the wall, the omega struggling to escape as she kissed his cheeks, attempting to claim what was his.

Growling out angrily, Nightwing grabbed Artemis by the hood, yanking her away from the red head, throwing her to the floor.

Everyone's eyes were on them, tense and ready to intervene before someone was killed. Nightwing merely ignored the blonde on the ground, and headed for his red head, whom was slightly shaking.

Gently taking his lovers cheek into his hand, he brushed away a few stray tears. He turned towards Artemis. "How dare you. You try to claim an omega who clearly is already claimed, and worse, try to claim him while he has no self defense. You know for a fact his powers were momentarily taken away." Nightwing growled out. "I don't want to see you here ever again."

Artemis winced like she'd been slapped, glancing around the room for any help at all. Her eyes met M'gann's pleadingly, only for Conner to shield the Martian. The alpha growled. "You don't get to do this without a fair trial,"

Nightwing growled out, "I am pack leader, Artemis. There is no need for a trial."

"N?" Wally clutched at his mates arm, overwhelmed by the smells around him. "Wha' happ'd?"

Nightwing narrowed his eyes, and Artemis stepped backwards, knowing he'd figure it out. "You tried to claim him in heat!?" He growled

Artemis tried to defend herself, "I didn't know-"

Red Hood snorted, walking into the cave. "Bull."

"Why was he allowed into the pack after everything he's-" Artemis wasn't even allowed to finish. Roy grabbed her by the arm, yanking her towards the Zeta tube.

Roy growled, annoyed his mate was being accused, "You don't get to judge him, and I think the packs decided. Goodbye, blondie." Roy shoved her in, watching as she disappeared.

Nightwing immediately removed her access to the cave, and turned towards the others. "Pack dismissed." He busied himself with picking up his mate, nuzzling him when he gave a low whine. "Shh. I'm right here, kid."

"Rob?" Wally muttered, opening his eyes once again.

"It's me, 'm gonna take care of you." He murmured, enjoying the feeling of hands threading through his hair.

"I trust you," he mumbled back, snuggling into Nightwing's chest.

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