"No virginity lost, but mine."

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Senior year at 16 years old I pulled myself a cheerleader. I was on the football team in California. I took this girl to my house and fuck her tight pussy. My dick got big and hard while splitting her twat. I was happy. 😁 So I did her 4x+ a week 4hrs+ every time + weekends. So like 4859993709 times everywhere; in the car, in the movies, in her moms houses, at the beach, mountain tops, etc. I was monogamous I believed, idk, I was a virgin.

She had sex with her ex-boyfriend then chose me after telling me, but cheated on me back with him 2 months before we finally broke up in 2008. She left to college outta state, then 2 months later I received a call from her. I didn't feel sad from her cheating. I felt happy that she might still love me.

We went to the movies and hung out and talked. There's nothing really on my mind but finally getting some after not having sex for like two months. The next day I'm thinking we're about to get dirty at the park. And we're going to plan parenthood. She was three months pregnant! She had another boyfriend during college that's about to be a daddy.

I was devastated. My revenge was to let her keep the baby and ruin her chances of getting a college degree. But I supported her in getting an abortion and continue college. -DaddyShawn

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