Chapter 1

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"Urgh..." Mafumafu threw his dead body on the bed of his rent room. The reason he felt like he was going to die all the time wasn't the cost from meeting the doctor. Of course he went to the public hospital and the student condition helped him to get really cheap price.

The point was the things he had to do, really weird things in order to treat this stupid syndrome. Actually he had to come to the hospital every weeks then injected progesterone... male hormone to his body but its costs were too much, so he declined it. In exchange, he had to buy some equipments for maintain his body.

That was the most embarrassing thing he thought he won't do it!

Well, finally he had to deal with it, at least not this moment.

Then the albino sprang himself to sit on the bed, changing his outfit, grabbing his acoustic guitar before swung it placed on his back.

It's time for working!

. . .

At one quiet nightfall, Mafumafu walked through the narrow alley. The dim light from the electronic poles shone the dirty path until his steps stopped in front of the backdoor which had the paper sign "only staff" on it.

The albino pushed that scabrous door, revealed the behind part of the counter. The sound of crowded inside the bar took place instead of the quietness. Some were the drunken men who enchanted in liquor, some were the late-teenager bitches flirting around and acted like a garbage. But a few were the people who really stressed out. Mafumafu never wanted to work here in whatever position, yet his role forced himself to do them.

While he was spacing out, the soft and familiar voice called him from the reverie.

"Mafu-kun, good evening."

Mafumafu turned to that voice. It was Luz, polishing the wine glass with wide smile.

Luz was the bartender of this bar. He was the one who approached him and the only friend in this rotten place. He said that he had been working here for a long time. However, he could be overprotective sometimes when the pervert tried to molest his little friend. Still, Mafumafu felt comfortable when having him around.

"How was the school, is it good?" The taller friend asked.

"Not at all, Luz-kun." Mafumafu gave him a dry chuckle before talked in inside voice. "Too much report assignments, but shhh. Don't be too loud, 'kay? Luz-kun."

Honestly, he had to work secretly or get caught and laid off by the master of this bar. The worst case might be kicked out from the school due to the regulations. Somehow, Luz knew this secret too but he promised he wouldn't tell anyone. (He's older than Mafumafu so he can work here.)

"Okay, okay, but isn't it like you have to work now?"

"Ah, yes. You're right. Then, see you after work!" The albino waved his hand to the senior.

"Good luck, little Mafu." Before both of the left from each other, the brunette gave him a warm kiss on the smooth forehead, making him blushed hard before really leaving.

Mafumafu's job was a part-time musician. He played the guitar for this bar for hours every nights on weekdays and full-time on weekends.

The albino prepared the things on the stage then started playing the guitar, smoothened the fuzzy atmosphere with soft melody. Though, the chaos inside the place didn't stop, at least it dropped down more than before. More and more people seemed interested in the musician.

Every time he plays, his depressed part will melt down slowly as he sink in the imaginary where he put down all worries. Small smile grew wider unconsciously while closing his eyes until someone shook him, telling that it was the closing time.

Then Luz walked him home, bid some good bye in front of his room.

After that, he slided down himself along the door, relieved that at least today Luz didn't observe it.

He pulled the sleeve of t-shirt up, revealed flat lower part and bumped upper part which looked like a couple of water-filled balloons, binding together with cloth bandages. (IDK what would it be called) It felt really awkward, especially when he tried to squeeze them lightly. He let out a squeak before look at his hands, brought up two matters.

He never thought before that he was *this* sensitive. 'I guess I have to be careful more.' And the second thought was,

'Do I have to really buy female underwear? I mean...bra.'

A/N Midterm exam is coming to town...I died

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