t h i r t e e n

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"My.. Mum?" I said, confused. I would have thought it was about my father, not his wife. But of course, it was her fault I was in this mess.

The woman snorted, "You know nothing, do you? Such a sheltered brat," She reached out, gripping my hair tightly in her fist and making me wince from the pain, "She is the reason I've suffered so much,"

I whimpered and she let me go, searching through my bag for my phone, "She hit me twice, and she ruined my chances of getting all that money,"

Even though my relationship with my mother was not good, I could not imagine her hitting anyone. She might have been strict and manipulative, but I'd never seen her raise her hand to anyone.

"She was the reason my sister won't see me, and why I was in prison,"

"Why did she hit you?" I asked meekly. I was a little afraid, but my curiosity got the better of me.

"Oh, they left that part out of the story, did they?" She said, pulling my phone out of the bag, "Didn't want you to see your precious mother as being violent?" She stood up, "It was because she didn't agree with me being with Jungkook, and then she hit me to-"

"You were the one who kidnapped me before!" I said, finally connecting everything. I know she said that she had taken me before, but it didn't really register until she mentioned my uncle, "She hit you so she could... get me back,"

The sound that came from the crazy woman infront of me was almost inhuman.

"She hit me because she's an animal! She took everything from me!" She reached out, grabbing my hair in her fist and yanking my head around, "She took my money, she took my men, she took my company!"

I yelped, tears springing to my eyes from the pain, "M-Men?!"

"Jeon Jungkook was mine!" She yelled, "Mine! And so was Park Jimin!"

She loosened her grip only slightly as she calmed down, and held my phone towards me, "Unlock it,"



Bee jumped in my arms as her phone began to ring in her pocket. When she reached in and pulled it out, she gasped in shock.


The policeman standing in the corner of the room (there because of Bee sneaking out and Jungkook and I getting kidnapped last time) rushed forward.

"Follow me, quickly,"

We ran down the hallway after him and into a seperate room, where he took the phone and hooked it up to some kind of machine before handing it back to Bee, "You can answer it,"

Bee swiped her thumb across the screen and put it onto speaker, "Mina?!" She cried, "Baby are you there?!"

"Hello, Mrs Park," Kims voice was easily recognisable on the other end of the line, and Bees knuckles went white she was holding the phone so tightly, "How have you been? Living the life of luxury?"

"Where is my daughter?!" Bee yelled, and the way she was holding the phone made me sure that if Kim was here, she would be strangling her.

"Oh, she's right here," There was a yelp of pain and I felt my stomach clench in anger. Before I could speak, however, Bee was already shouting.

"Don't touch her! I'll do whatever you want, just don't hurt her!"

"Hurt her? No, I'm not going to hurt her. I want you to suffer, Bee. I'm going to kill her,"

"No! Mina! Please, just take me instead! I'll do anything, you can even kill me just don't hurt her!"

I felt my heart drop when Bee offered herself to take Minas place. Of course, I'd never let my daughter be hurt, I'd protect her with my life, but there had to be another way.


"Perfect," Kim said, "I'll call you later, then," She hung up and Bee broke down into tears again.

I turned to face the policemen, wrapping my arms around my distressed wife, "Well?" I demanded, "Did you get the location?"

He sighed and shook his head, "There was some kind of blocker on the phone. We couldn't get it,"

Bee wailed louder and I held onto her tightly. I was at a total loss of what we were going to do to move forward, as she didn't even ask for money this time.



I could hear my mum crying on the other end of the phone, and my heart almost stopped in shock when I heard her begging the crazy woman not to hurt me. When she offered herself in my place, I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach.

The woman grinned and hung up the phone, before disappearing into another room, leaving me to stew in my own thoughts.

My mother had offered to die in place of me. She was willing to let herself be murdered so I wouldn't be hurt.

It was then I realised that she loved me. She did care. Suddenly; I'm not sure why, perhaps it was because I thought I was going to die, memories of my childhood came flooding back to me.

The time where I was so sick I had ended up in the hospital, and my mother had stayed with me the whole time, even sleeping on the chair next to the bed so she was there. I remembered her comforting me when my goldfish, Hope (named because of my uncle Hoseok) died, and when Jia and I had our worst fight. I remember her helping me with my homework, and making me my favourite food when I was feeling down.

She didn't cry infront of me when my grandfather died, and I realised that it was to be strong for me. She cuddled me when I had  nightmares, and she was so happy when I brought her good news, or even a crappy painting that was clearly junk.

She had even tried to stop my Dad kicking me out.

I was sobbing before I even knew I was crying. I had treated her so badly, for no reason but my own spoilt, blind reason. I had even hit her, the one person I could rely most on in my life.

And now one of us was about to die before I could even apologise.

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