Meet the Character

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Name: Yinri Elrila

Age: 15 (Present time) 16 during the Sports Festival and up

Height: 5'3

Appearance: Long white hair that she mostly keeps in a ponytail, very pale, almost like a ghost, white and clear eyes, her normal attire is a pair of black shorts and a light grey/black middle sleeved black shirt, typically carries a small bag with her for essentials, has an obvious burn on her right hand, sometimes it affects her abilities.

Hero Name: Destiny - the Savior and Protector Hero

Quirk/Quirks: Elemental, Demonic, Multiply and Nightmare (It'll make sense later why she has all these quirks)

Elemental Quirk: Her first quirk she developed when she was 8. She controls water, fire, air and earth however she can. She breathes it, flies with it, and shoots it out of her hands and feet. When she builds up enough power, she can use all four at one time, but at the cost of breaking a limb or two.

Demonic Quirk: A very dangerous and unstable quirk that she has a hard time controlling. She becomes 10x faster and stronger than she was before, almost beating the strength of All Might. The quirk comes in to hands when her anger and sadness consume her or when she's being manipulated, it only resides when feelings and compassion come about. She's able to control it more thoroughly than before, making it a rare occasion anymore for the power to consume her.

Multiply: A quirk she developed a year after she received her Elemental quirk. She's able to make duplicates of herself to confuse her enemies, but can only make up to 10 copies. She only uses it in dire situations where she needs to be 4 places at once, but the more duplicates she uses, the weaker she becomes. Her stamina rapidly depletes after the 4th copy, making it harder for her to keep the duplicates up. Once she reaches her 10th copy, she passes out of overexertion and lays unconscious for a week.

Nightmare Quirk: She discovered this while she slept on the street one night at 13. A group of thugs tried to rob her, but she touched one's forehead. The world around her was surrounded by darkness and death, and the man screamed from the agony. The Nightmare controlled his inner thoughts, and he was trapped inside a vortex for the rest of eternity. She discovered other perks about this quirk. She's able to put her enemies to sleep, giving them their worst nightmare's possible. They wake up fearful and afraid of the world around them, and only they can escape the nightmare once they realize it's not real.

Personality: Very argumentative, over protective, very intelligent, but she has a hard time reading books, excels greatly in mathematical skills; for example, she can calculate seconds to hours without the use of a calculator and calculate miles to centimeters in just a matter of a few seconds, she's a wiz with the numbers. Excels superbly in strategies and timing. Sometimes says things without thinking. Really despises when people call her names relating to her being weak. Acts on impulse like Midoriya.

SIDE NOTE: I'm going to be removing one character because I want to keep the numbers even in the classroom and keep them even in general when it comes down to the pairings and whatnot. I'm fine with this character in general, but personally I see more comic relief than anything. Actually there are two characters that I feel shouldn't be part of the story line but I chose a specific one for pairing reasons. I won't say which, but here's a hint: They're obviously in class 1-A, not a very popular character in the poles, and so far I haven't noticed any relevance to their existence in the series. (From what I've read and watched so far)

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