Chapter 10: What's Azusa Thinking?

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Yinri called Azusa, who was extremely worried about the state of her sister. She still laid in her bed, and looked out the window at the blue sky. As soon as Azusa answered the phone, screams were heard left and right.

"YINRI?! WHAT HAPPENED?! WHERE ARE YOU?!?" She shouted frantically, blowing her sisters eardrum off.

"Calm down, Azusa. I'm fine now, there was just an incident that occurred." She said calmly, but made Azusa worry more.

"Why are you so calm?!"

"Why are you so loud?" Yinri responded in a quick witted format.

Azusa sighed deeply, trying her best to calm down, "I'm sorry... I was just really worried is all. When you didn't text me or call me all day, I knew something was wrong. And my hunch was right, wasn't it?"

Yinri chose her words carefully, "Listen, I'm fine now, that's all that matters. Those villains I told you about... they found me. I doubt it's for cupcakes and playtime, though."

Azusa shouted over the phone, "WHAT?!? WHY NOW OF ALL TIMES?!"

"I wouldn't know, I'm sure it has to deal with some sort of evil scheme that they need my power for. Something cliche like that. Or they genuinely want to have a nice conversation and buy me dinner. I wish it was that." She laughed, trying to make a joke out of it.

Azusa wasn't laughing, "Yinri, this isn't funny. They know too much about your demonic quirk, you have to be more careful, alright?"

"Sheesh Azusa, you sound like a parent. Don't worry, I will be careful, I don't want you to worry too much." She paused, "Actually... there's something else I should tell you."

"You can tell me anything, what's going on?" Azusa sounded concerned.

Yinri was practically shaking in her bed, dread read across her face, "You know how I told you about living in a crummy old apartment by myself?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Well... I lied about that. I've been homeless ever since we separated." It was like a breath of fresh air, it felt great to tell her the truth, but it also felt like a nightmare.

Azusa stopped speaking for a few seconds, trying to find her words, she was in a lot of shock that her sister lied to her, "...So the money grandparents sent you... to help you pay for it... where did all of that go...?"

"I saved it for food and other essentials. You know I would never take advantage of them like that." Yinri responded, her words were beginning to fall apart.

Azusa was immensely upset with Yinri, "Why would you lie to us like that...? Right behind our backs?! If you had just told us, they would have helped you find a place to live..!"

"I didn't want to put that burden on them. I wanted to find a way for myself to live, and as much as I tried, I could never find a place. Everyone rejected me and spit in my face. So I slept on the streets in back alleys, I didn't think it'd matter, just as long as I got stronger for you."

"But... where are you living now?" Azusa asked so curiously.

Yinri almost forgot about that, "Oh, right. I'll be moving in with a friend from here, so you won't have to worry about the homelessness anymore."

"You're making friends?!? I'm so proud of you!" Azusa shouted with glee.

Yinri's cheeks tinted up a bit, suddenly embarrassed that her little sister is acting more mature than she is, "Y-Yeah? W-what, am I not supposed to make friends?"

"I didn't mean it that way, you know! I'm just glad that you're enjoying yourself." Azusa cheered.

"Yeah, me too..." Yinri smiled as she said that.

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