Chapter 6: An Odd Position

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*Third Person P.O.V.*

Izuku ran out the door to find Bakugo, Yinri trailed behind him. Bakugo was seen leaving the school entrance, but Midoriya caught up to him along with Yinri. She didn't realize she had followed him, but he didn't seem to care. She stood behind Izuku and peaked over his shoulder while standing on her toes, staring at Bakugo.

"Kacchan, I need to tell you something..." Midoriya hesitantly stated, Yinri wasn't sure what was happening, but she didn't get in the middle of it. She just stood there and stayed silent. Bakugo turned slightly and glared at Izuku.

"I obtained this quirk from someone else." He continued, "Who gave it to me, that doesn't matter now. I can promise you, it's true, even if it sounds out of the ordinary. I'm not capable of making it my own power yet..." Bakugo and Yinri stared at him, but both in different ways, "I wanted to win without using it, but in the end, I couldn't pull it off. I know I'm not strong enough yet, but even still... I'll make it my own one day and surpass you with my own power!"

All three of them paused, Izuku only meant to say he wasn't deceiving him, but everything came out all at once. Bakugo wasn't happy, at all, "Borrowed? You're kidding! Do you think I'm an idiot or something?!? You and Snow White beat me today... there's nothing more to it!" He raised his voice, he sounded angrily upset, "I saw that Ice Guy today... and I thought, that I couldn't beat him! That pony tailed girl, what she said today... she was right! Ugh, dammit, dammit, dammit! You listen here Deku... and you too Snow White! From here on out, I'm going to be number one!!!!" He turned and almost marched away, "And don't ever think that you'll beat me again! You hear me?!?"

Izuku and Yinri both exhaled, they unexpected a rant such as that one. A burst of wind burned through Midoriya and Yinri, it was All Might.

"BAKUGO MY BOY! I FOUND YOU!" He shouted with might. His name is All Might, after all.

He tried to give Bakugo an inspiring speech, "Listen well, young man. It is always important to have self confidence, and there's no mistake that you're extremely talented. I know from here on out, you'll be able to climb even higher..."

"Get out of my way, All Might... I will surpass you, heed my words." Bakugo declared intimidatingly. He left the area, leaving Yinri, All Might, and Izuku speechless and confused.

*The Next Day*

A vast swarm of reporters flooded the entrance to U.A., they stopped a couple of students along the way. Yinri tried to scoot past them, but a woman reporter stopped her just as she was about to enter the border, "Excuse me, miss! What are your thoughts about All Might being your teacher?!"

"Drop dead, you psychopaths." She demanded, leaving the reporter oddly speechless. She turned to see Aizawa being questioned as well.

"Um... could you tell us what students think of All Might teaching here...?"

"He's not on campus right now, please leave. You're interfering with our lessons." He coldly responded.

Yinri spied the media going berserk about All Might this and All Might, one of the reporters screamed towards Yinri, "Hey you, girl with the white hair!" Yinri turned her head a bit, making eye contact with the reporter, "You look oddly familiar... wait, weren't you all over the news a few years ago? You were the only survivor in the Hosu City Hospital incident, no scrapes or bruises on you!"

That tripped a nerve with Yinri, but they kept talking, "Weren't you brought in for questioning? The footage shown looked like a demon and you were the one who came out of it alive!"

"Who even cares anymore?!? JUST DROP IT ALREADY!!!" Yinri shouted, extremely angry and upset.

The large opening closed in front of their faces, Aizawa glided by Yinri, "Don't let them get to you, it's a waste of time. They're all talk and no bite."

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