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The first day of class doesn't really consist of us doing anything just basically getting to know everybody in our class.  It's really cool to get to meet everybody and also everybody wasn't tripping because of who my parents' were. No they were cool with it especially since I'm not only one with famous parents. Thank you God for that. The first several bells with by in a flash and finally it was time for Gym . I head to the locker room where Gracie and Christine wait for me .

"So how were your classes? ", Christine ask me.

"Great actually and everybody's been super nice to me what about you ?", I ask.

"Great and we met some amazing guys too", Gracie says.

"Cool what are their names?", I ask.

"Austin and Brandon", Christine says.

"Cool can't wait to meet them", I say as we exit the locker room .

The game that the teacher makes us play is dodge ball and guess whose playing ? Yeah the boy from my math class and his friends . 

I tug at my way to small Gym shorts and I feel violated as the Kid from my math eyeing me like a Lion after it's prey. I pick up the ball and aim it straight at his face.

"What the heck was that for? ", He asks holding his face.

"Learn to stop staring son", I say rolling my eyes and aiming it straight at his friend.

I look around to find my new friends but they betrayed me for two boys on the bleachers I'm guessing Brandon and Austin , I mentally roll my eyes at these two . Thanks alot for leaving me to fend for myself . I throw more balls and aim at everyone till it's me and a kid with short blonde dreads in his head battling it out . He throws his last ball and I dodge it aiming mine and hitting him right in the stomach .

I walk over to Christine and Gracie and their blushing faces turn to terror.

"Y'all really pulled this stunt? ", I ask irritated. I realized that moment I have a temper.

"I wanted to see Brandon", Gracie stutters.

"And what's your excuse ?", I ask looking over at Christine.

"I obviously wanted to see Austin , Is that a crime? ", Christine said with a slight attitude.

I roll my eyes and huff.

"Girl please fix your attitude you're the last person who should have one , I'll let this one slide . Hopefully you don't put him before my new friendship", I say heading away to the locker room to change.

I take a quick shower and since my straight hair is curly again I throw it up in a bun and handle the rest of my business . I throw on my clothes and walk out the Gym. I head to my locker where I see the kid from my math class standing there with a Ice pack on his eye.

"I'm really sorry about your eye ", I say instantly feeling bad .

"It's cool beautiful , Anyway what's your name ? ", He asks smiling like he just won the lottery.

"It's Nayla and Yours ? ", I ask holding back my smile.

"Edwin", I'm completely breathless as he smiles .

"Nice to meet you Edwin ",I say grabbing my lunch bag and heading to lunch.

I get to the cafe and see Gracie and Christine sitting at a table with Brandon , Austin and a couple of other boys I'm assuming are their friends.

"Hi Nay this is Brandon", Gracie says with glee.

"And this cutie right here is Austin ", Christine says.

"I'm Zion gorgeous", Cheetos head says.

"Nice to meet you ", I say eating my salad.

"I'm nick ", The cutie with short hair says.

"And you already met me", Edwin says rather cocky.

I mentally roll my eyes at him. He's absolutely perfect and I was in love with his dress and everything about him . Gosh how could God make somebody so perfect and so mouthwatering. I've seen boys but nothing like this especially since I was the youngest so my daddy made sure I steered clear of all male species . But Edwin was something different I could feel it as he wrapped his arms around me and sat very close to me. Sparks ran through my innocent little body and negative thoughts floated through my mind Geesh what was this boy doing to me ?

Edwin's Girl(Edwin Honoret fanfic) (Completed)(Wattys2020)Where stories live. Discover now