Part 3

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Jihoon's POV

The next day i wake up early in the morning, still elated after yesterday especially after the surprise visit to the theme park which was a break from the norm. I usually wake up first so i can have the bathroom to myself and get ready without anyone in my way but today was different, today i go to the bathroom to see Guanlin combing his hair and checking himself out in the mirror

Well this is awkward. I start to blush, my heart rate skyrocketing for a reason i cannot suss as i try to leave the bathroom unnoticed but-

"Jihoon! Good morning, where are you going?" Guanlin calls

I spin around to see him behind me, grinning.

"Ah sorry, I didn't expect to see you there," I say, awkwardly laughing but still flustered and blushing, "It's just, I'm usually the first to wake up and use the bathroom so it's weird seeing you here."

"Oh I see, yeah I don't usually wake up early but today my body decided to wake me up at 6am" Guanlin giggled, "Jihoon, why are you so red?"

"No reason, carry on getting ready now, i'll see you later."

I run back down the hallway to my bedroom, extremely embarrassed. What's wrong with me, why was I blushing? Why does my heart rate speed up whenever i'm with Guanlin? Is it just nerves? Yes, it must be that.

Either way, it's something i must prevent, i can't let myself get out of control when i'm around him. It simply won't do. If it's only nerves then surely it mustn't be hard to avoid, but if it's nerves then why have i only started feeling it now?

Daniel's POV

It was late afternoon and all of WANNA ONE were watching TV in the living room. All
of us except Jihoon and Guanlin, that is. Lately all they have been doing is spending time with each other, which is a little peculiar.

"Guys, where are Jihoon and Guanlin? Shouldn't they be out here with us?" I ask my members, already expecting the answer in which i was about to get.

"Together, obviously." Woojin replied, rolling his eyes

"But has no one thought about why they're spending so much time together?"

"Well, they've clearly found some sort of happiness being with each other. Perhaps they fill a void for each other that us together cannot fill. And i think that's great for them, but it doesn't stop me from missing them. I haven't spoken to Jihoon in so long! It's like something snapped in him after that day he was being homophobic and 'we called him out' for it. It's weird, I hope he knows we think he's entitled to his own opinion. Obviously not everyone thinks the same way about the matter and it's okay if Jihoon isn't comfortable, as long as he isn't prejudiced," Minhyun says thoughtfully

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed it has seemingly stemmed from that day. Jihoon really hasn't been the same since. You can't help but wonder..." I trail off in thought, "but as long as they're happy, I think it would be best if we let them be"

I get a few nods from the members who were paying attention to the conversation, the rest dead to the world as they watch the TV.

I may have said it's best not to interfere with Jihoon and Guanlin's relationship, but the whole situation has been rather intriguing to me and i'm afraid i can't help it. You see, the conversation about homosexuality we had that fateful night struck me as odd when i had thought about it later. Jihoon had seemed as if he was about to say something important, but didn't have the balls and brushed it off, hoping no one would realise he was about to say something. But i knew better and i realised. The timing isn't in Jihoon's favour either, the fact he's so close to Guanlin makes me think if that day he was going to come out? I have been thinking about it a lot and, perhaps, it's crazy to suggest that we have a homosexual (or two) as a member but, the more i think about it, the more i embrace it. Really, if they have feelings for each other they'd be so much happier if they could accept it and be together. But there's still so much they'd have to hide, their career would be over if it got out, which is why this situation needs to be approached with caution.

Which is why i will obviously choose probably the least cautious member to help me on my quest, Ong Seongwu.


Only a spur of the moment decision is what persuaded me to ask Seongwu, later that day.

The whole day all that had been running through my head was an endless stream of thoughts about how i'd ask him, whether he'd even care and if i should just abandon the "quest" but eventually the perfect moment to ask arose.

Seongwu and I were in our bedroom, he was sitting on my bed with me and Jisung had gone to Sungwoon's room.

"Daniel, what's up? you seem preoccupied," Seongwu asked titling his head towards me

This was where I had to make a quick decision, i was torn because what if Seongwu thought it was weird that i cared so much and wouldn't talk to me again? But in a heartbeat i finally realised i was being completely ridiculous and Seongwu wouldn't stop talking to me for something as insignificant as that, so i decided i would ask, after all

"Well, you see, call me stupid but lately i've been thinking a lot about Guanlin and Jihoon's relationship. Forgive me for sticking my nose where it doesn't belong, but, I honestly think they have feelings for each other but won't come to realisation without our help. They'd be so much happier if they were together, think about it," I say in a rush, hoping Seongwu will understand what i'm getting at

"I see. Look Daniel, i agree with you, they probably do like each other but maybe it's best to stay out of it. In a way, we'd be hurting them anyway, they'd have to keep their relationship a secret from everyone. Why do you care so much anyway" Seongwu replies, rather bluntly. I was anticipating a reply such as this one but it's not a lost cause just yet

"Oh Seongwu, I only care so much because they're my friends and i want them to be happy! Even if they have to hide their relationship in public they won't have to hide anything in the dorms. We need to be around and reassure them that it's okay. After all, hiding feeling would be much worse for their health than hiding a relationship. Just, hiding feelings is awful, i know from experience and i don't want them to go through it when they could open up about their feelings and something could come out of it, you know? I'm going to help them whether you're on board or not, i'd just rather have you do it with me"

"You could be wrong about this. Maybe we're overthinking it and neither of them are gay! It can't be very unlikely that they're both straight and are just friends. Think about it. How rare is it to have 2 gay members in a group of 11 guys?"

"Not very, I don't think. I've seen the way Jihoon looks at Guanlin and i have to say i really do believe there's something there. It would be so much worse for Jihoon if it was unrequited feelings, too. So we have to help Guanlin realise his  feelings, if they're there waiting to surface. And anyway 2/11 isn't bad is it? Could be more," I laugh nervously

"Okay okay i'll help  you, Daniel, if it makes you happy" Seongwu smiles at me but i'm over the moon, the request was like an unintentional friendship test and Seongwu passed in the sweetest way possible.

I thank seongwu by tackling him with a hug, he puts his arm around me too and we fall on the bed, hugging. I want to spend an eternity in his arms, as we giggle and roll on my bed. But eventually-

"Okay, that's enough before someone walks in and thinks we're gay for each other too. As if that hasn't happened before," seongwu says darkly, removing his arms from my back and sitting up

"yeah, that would be... bad" i try to agree, but accidentally end up sounding unsure.

But thankfully Seongwu doesn't notice and carries on talking normally. He never notices

I'm sorry it's late i was really really sick for a week but i've finally gotten round to publishing it! yet again thank you so much for all my readers and thanks to everyone who votes on chapters and comments and adds this story to their reading lists, i appreciate that so much! thanks to: @lucky_riz , @Dememes @bts4evs @NiVen15 @jihooners @PARKJIHOONWINKWINK, Leenaeunreal @parkhyungseob @belle_ame17 @yoonrin9 and @KimNaHyun1218  for supporting the fic !! i love you all 💓💓

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