letter to my absent dad

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You left..... I don't know why. All mom told me is you left before I was born because you already had 2 kids. But that still doesn't make sense. Dear Dad I hate you. I know hate is a strong word but it's true. You left my mom to suffer with rasing a child by herself with only the help of one job and my grandparents. My grandma once asked if I ever wanted to meet you some day. I said of course NOT. I cry every night because I think of how much better my life would be with a father. My mom is dating someone who she might actually marry. But I can't predict the future so. The day I found out everyone should have a father people hated me. My friends called me a robot because I didn't have a dad so how was I born. I look on my phone everyday and see only my friends and my moms numbers. No dad. I walk through the Halls of my house with pictures. No dad. I look at family photos. No dad. Study shows that girls without dad's seem to have trust issues in relationships, depression, anxiety and more. I have every single one of these. I have been through so many relationships because they think that I don't trust them enough. But that's because I'm scared, scared to lose them. Some people ask me what my biggest fear is i say,"someone breaking my heart again."

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