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I watch Mrs Choi impatiently as she pour tea in to the cups.

"Do you want to ask the question or let me tell the story?" She asks.

"I'll ask the questions." I said looking directly into Mrs Choi's eyes. She nodded.

"First of all where are we?" I asked, looking around while still sitting down on the couch.

"We are in a library, dear."

I furrowed my eyebrows a little. I find answer annoying even though we are really in a library.

"Why are you here? i thought i asked the mysterious old lady to....." I trailed off when i caught an exciting smile on her face.

"Finally. The question i want to hear." She said, taking another sip from the cup of warm tea.

"You are here because of her. This is where she lives, her hideout." Mrs Choi continued.

I opened my mouth to say something but no words would come out.

Of course, why would I think that she lives in that alley even when she knows magic and stuff. I didn't expect her to live in a library, i thought there would be somewhere with lots of witchcrafts.

"Why and how did you enrol Jungkook that fast? Why are you here? Do you know her?" I start bombing her with questions. This might be a little too much but I can't keep the curiousness inside me.

"She asked me to do that for you. So that he won't be left alone at home, and that he would always be beside you. We can't just enrol him magically, but we can get the documents ready by magic."

"And the old lady you are talking about, i'm her sister." I stared at Mrs Choi, answering my questions swiftly.

She's her sister? I never would've guessed. But it's not surprising though. I don't know her well after all.

"So, you know magic too?"

"No. I'm an ordinary human."

I looked around me once again.

"So, where is she?"

"I'll answer that later. There is much more you need to know right now." She smiles gently.

"I know that you have no idea what is going on outside so i'll fill you up."

She sighs heavily as she took the two unfolded letters and passed it to me.

"Read one." I look up at her skeptically.

"Don't worry. You have her permission now."

I scanned through the letter and i already knew who this belongs to.

"This is..." I gasped.

"Wonwoo's letter."

"Where did you get this?" I asked.

"Magic." She smiles cheekily.

I read through the letter.

Dear whoever that will read this,
I don't know what to do anymore. I am a very sinful man and I deserve to die already after all those bad things. All I know to do was to use people. Steal and stuff. But then after I met this girl, I started to change. It's Younha, she changed me. I don't know, I just feel like a pure and nice guy when I'm with her. She makes my sins go away. And i'm so glad I met her. I hope she could see this letter too. So whoever read this, please pass to her.

Younha, i'm sorry. I know I won't get to say goodbye to you. I know you would be confused if I do that. Racy was not the one who dropped that note into your locker. It was me. I knew things will turn out that way. I didn't do that so you can see my die. I did it because I wanted to see you before I die. Younha, I hate Racy and I don't know why. Yes, I seduced her mother just so I can get money. But believe me, I didn't know she had a family since she told me she was single. And when I learned that she had a family, and her daughter turns out to be Racy, I thought that I was so lucky...The person I don't like is the daughter of my money supplier. I cut the connection with her mother. And again, I left a women without any words or farewell.

She sent me threats but I shrug it off. But she did one unexpected thing. She framed my brother, Taehyung about drug pushing. Taehyung will never do anything like that and I know it. Because of that, Taehyung was sent to jail and I can't do anything about it.

What can I do to bail my brother out? All she wants was revenge. Then she targeted the most important to me. It was you, Younha. And the only thing that wiuld prevent her from harming you is that when I finally disappear from this world. I did what she wants to save you. Don't you fare blame yourself. This is my decision and not yours.

I hope that you will be happy, that's all I wish for. I guess it's time to bid my goodbyes. Always smile. I hope that there's someone you can lean on while I'm away. I'm sorry i didn't keep my promise.

I love you, Younha. Always remember that.

— Wonwoo

I did not realise that i'm already crying. Mixed emotions whirled inside my heart. I don't know what to feel.

Wonwoo...I called out to him again in my mind as I cried harder.

I wanted to tell him that his effort is useless. He don't have to die for me. He could've stayed and change himself. My hatred towards Racy grew more afterwards, but I also couldn't blame her for what she did. We all had our own ways of thinking and Racy thought of revenging.

Mrs Choi caresses my back as I wiped away my tears with the back of my hand.

"It's okay to cry."

I shook my head.

"No, he said said that I should always smile. That's the only way I can repay his sacrifice for me."

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