The Dolan Household

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He was a muscular guy with brown hair and highlights. He had beautiful hazel eyes and had a dangling earring.

"Hi I'm Grayson you must be the Sanchez's."

"Yes that's us,"mom said.

"He quickly glanced at me and then Erica.

"Right this way."

He led us down the hall into the dining room, where his parents were sitting. We all sat down. 

"Thank you so much for inviting us," my mom said.

"Thank you guys for coming,"Mrs. Dolan said cheerfully.

We then all started eating dinner and I had noticed that one of the boys wasn't here. I wondered where he was. My parents kept talking with the Dolans and Erica was on her phone, as usual. I heard a loud thump from upstairs. I'm pretty sure I was the only one who heard it because there was no reaction from everybody else. I excused myself from the table to "go to the bathroom". I tip toed upstairs to see what the noise was. I went into the only bedroom that had light coming through the crack of the door. I knocked and there was no answer. I then gently pushed the door and there sitting at the edge of the bed was the missing boy. His hair looked messy and he had his blood covered hands over his face. There was a medium sized hole next to the door. I gasped and he turned around startled.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my room?"

"I-I'm sorry I just heard a loud thump and came up here to see what was going on."

"Well nothing's going on so leave me the fuck alone."

"Your hands are bleeding."

"No shit Sherlock."

"Can I help you clean them?"

"It's fine, not the first time this has happened", he mumbled. 

What did he mean by it wasn't the first time this has happened? Did he always punch walls and hurt himself? 

"Can you leave me the hell alone and stay out of my god damn business." 

"You don't have to be a jerk."

"Trust me princess if you were in my place you would be doing a whole lot worst."

I then turned around and shut the door. What did he mean by saying all of this? He was a mysterious and cold guy. I wonder what kind of place he was in. Why did I like it when he called me princess? I thought about all of these questions as I tip toed back downstairs into the dining room. By the time I got back everyone was finished with their meals. 

"Thank you guys so much for coming, we hope to see you soon."

"We appreciate the nice gesture thank you", my parents said in unison.

We walked back to our house and I went upstairs into my room. I thought about all of the things that had happened tonight. Why was I so attracted to the guy's coldness and mysteriousness?Was this why he wasn't at dinner? I felt like I wanted to help him on whatever he was going through. No one should ever be sad or depressed. I don't know what he was going through. I wanted to know what was going on. I wanted to help him. I needed to help him.

*Hope you guys liked this chapter

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