Delsin Rower and InFAMOUS: Second Son belongs to Sucker Punch Productions and Sony Computer Entertainment
All soundtracks belongs to their respective owners
(Wiz and Boomstick - Death Battle Official Theme Song)
Ziana: Korra, Republic City's Avatar of Legend.
Zen: And Delsin Rowe, the InFAMOUS Second Son conduit.
Ziana: These two have started out as immature and selfish, but when the weight of the of world falls on their shoulders, they become not the hero people want, but the hero the people need.
Zen: But in a one-on-one duel to the death, which quadruple elemental master takes the victory? She's Ziana and I'm Zen.
Ziana: And it's out job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win..... a DEATH BATTLE.
Korra Bends the Elements in DEATH BATTLE
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(Avatar State - The Legend of Korra Soundtrack)
Zen: : Following Avatar Aang's death in 153 AG, a young girl named Korra was born from Tonraq and Senna. While she doesn't look like much at first, Korra was destined to become a legendary hero. At four, Korra went to the Order of the White Lotus and showed off her skills! Yeah, at FOUR YESR OLD!
Ziana: At that young age, Korra could preform Waterbending, Earthbending, and Firebending. It was here that she was declared the newest Avatar. Unfortunately, being an Avatar also meant that enemies like the Red Lotus were aware and are trying to capture Korra. For her sake, Tonraq and Tenzin isolated Korra from public and into the Southern Water Tribe so she can master all four elements.
Zen: Although her debut in Republic City didn't go exactly as planned, being arrested by Lin Beifong on her first day and the Mayor blaming every problem on her. Wow, talk about being ungrateful.