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So this chapter is going to be about some people that i have met on here that i call my best friends. These people have completely changed my life many timea and have helped me through alot of things. This is my way of saying, Thank You!

SweetheartNicky I have mentioned this wonderful person quite alot, for good reason. She is the first person who really reached out to me and the first friend I made on wattpad a year and a half ago, and she is still dealing with me today. Nicole, thank you for being there for me when i need it. You have been my life line multiple times and have always been so nice and kind to me. You make me smile even when you just say, "Hey!". You notice if something is wrong even if you dont see my face, or hear my voice, you just know. And you are always there to help me feel better. I dont know what i would do if you had never come into my life. Thank you so much for being the amazing person, and friend that you are. I cant wait to see how mich stronger out friendship becomes as time goes by.

XxRukiMukamixX- I know we dont talk to much, and it sucks, but when we do get to talk, you are one of the sweetest people i have met. You are so nice and i hope that we can become even better friends. I know i have screwed up before, but you forgave me for it, and i was so thankful for it. Thank you for giving me a second.chance, and for being such a nice friend.

Magus-Zero- This girl is my sweet little kawaii otaku. She is such a funny and sweet person who always guves my sweets. Magus, thank you for always being yourself and being happy everytime I talk to you. It always makes my day better to.see that tou are doing good. I hope that we continue our friendship and bond even more!

TheRadFan-  even though I've only known this guy for short time he is always one to make me smile in any situation.  He is really sweet and is always telling me to be careful, but i always seem to find a way to hurt myself anyway. Rad you Will always be my kawaii vampire, even off you never admit it. I hope that we continue to become when better friends, because I don't know what i wound without you. Thank you for being always so nice to me.

More people to come soon, this is just going to be in parts to make it eaiser for me.

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