I'm Still Up~~~

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Yep, it's almost 12 in the morning, and I, the amazing Amara, am still up. I've been working on a picture for about 50 minutes or so, and I finally finished the first part. It's a picture I oringinally drew in my friend's sketchbook, but I wanted to do it again in my sketchbook cause I liked it so much. I'm planning on inking and coloring it, but so far I've only did the drawing in pencil. I really don't feel like trying to find a working pen at 12 a.m, in a silent house, with 4 dogs that like to bark. I'll just finish tomorrow.

I'm shivering....probably cause I just drank cold milk....and the fan is blowing on me....

Shoot....I've got practice tomorrow. Me and another friend are in a puppet play at church, and tomorrow is the last practice before the play the day after. Me and her are prop people, along with this other teenager we don't know that well.


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