Chapter 13

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Alyssa awoke quite confused. She glances around. She is in a dimly lit room the only light came from a small window. The door was no ordinary door it was more like a barred gate. The walls were a cold stone and the ground solid dirt.

Alyssa stood stretching her limbs ached and she decided to walk to the door. She was yanked back though about five feet from the door. She looked and there they were silver chains attached to her wrists. She glared at them. Her brain started to clear and she realizes she is not supposed to be in a dungeon like room but a cozy room in Swift's place. She pondered on where she might be when she heard singing.

"Oh! This is the life!

Rottin in this cell

cryinh and mournin

aching and yelling

what could possibllly

be better than. this. ceeeelll!"

She wondered if this "guy" ( she assumed by the voice) was insane. She decided to try and talk to him.

"Hello, person singing, who are you?" She asked.

Instead of answering he sang again. In the cell across from hers an old man with a shaggy white hair and scrawny body says "you can only talk to him by singing."

Alyssa thanked him and decided to give it a try glad she could sing well.

"Heello! Hoow are yooou?

My name is Alyysssa

and i wish i could knoow


There was silence than an answer

"Hello there! I am andrew

and doing fine in this cell.

where i am lonellly fooorrevverr!

They kept on for awhile "singing" back and forth. After a few hours when the night has turned black the door to freedom slammed open. A tall muscular young man with silver armour and a long black cape walks in his hair was jet black and his eyes were an evil crimson.

He began walking down the aisle of cells and every cell he would stop and look at its prisoner, and every time chains could be heard clinking as the prisoners moved away from him. He continued and soon he was facing the old man back towards Alyssa. He whispered something she couldnt hear and turned towards her.

A smirk was on his face as he walked to her cell door and unlocked it.

" So your finally awake." He says his smirk growing.

"Yes I am." Alyssa says calmly, but glaring daggers at him at the same time.

"You must be wondering where you are, why and who i am." He states smiling.

"It would be nice to know," She says coldly.

In three words he answers all her questions.

"I am Deathbringer." He says bowing mockingly as Alyssa stares at him in shock.

She then gets a wave of anger and lunges for him. She is of course yanked back. Deathbringer chuckles and walks forward stopping just out of her reach.

"Coward," She spat at him.

"No, just smart, thats all." He calmly says.

She lunges again a dark green fog erupting around her forcibly throwing Deathbringer to the wall trying to choke him. Alyssa saw a flash of light and pain exploded through out her body. Her chains broke which renewed her strength lunging at Deathbringer savagely and skillfully. She got a few hits in. Then new chains formed wrapping around her whole body pulling her to the wall. She tryed to fight the chaind but was zapped harshly each time.

"You like my favorite and unique element?"  He asked laughing.

Alyssa glared at him furiously and didnt answer.

" You are the reason I sm failing to kill all those stupid Unicorns, but gusss what i have you. i will ride on your back to the very center of the village then kill you and watch every one die. Now let me see your unicorn form. Come on you cant fight mr forever!"  Deathbringer yells angrily zapping her with each word.

Alyssa struggled to keep quiet as bolt after bolt hit her. She tryed putting up a shield but his lightening went right through.

" Everyone will feel your pain as you suffer and then they will know you are incapable of defeating me." He roared.

Placing his hand side by side palm facing out he pulled them apart a foot and a huge blast of power that had built up exploded out. lightening enveloped Alyssa and she screamed out in pain but would not allow the others to feel it so more pain came abd she cryed out with agony. From a burst of more anger at not winning pain to enter the others Deathbringer collasped the cell on top of Alyssa as she gave out on last cry of pain.


Warrior strong, warrior brave

Did you win the fight today?

No, you say well how is that so?

Your not dead, so you still got hope

Warrior strong, warrior brave

don't give up on us today.

AN: Please vote and comment:)

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