Chapter 4

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Jenna's POV



Well it took a week to get settled in which was quite nice.I died my hair brown going into blond and I got to explore the house and found out that the kitchen was my dream kitchen.It had the perfect oven , for baking (which I love by the way).I also named all the ducks with Robyn.Their names are Pedro ,he is pure white, then there is Jamie , she is light brown with white spots.Then there is Divan , he is dark brown with four green feathers two on each side of his body,and then last of all there is Kim ,she is also plain white and we found out that she has five eggs.Which means five new ducklings.

Well right now I'm standing in front of my new school.Before I started here we got a tour around and might I just say that the grounds are AMAZING.They have got such beautiful gardens with sweet smelling roses.I walk to the office and wait to be called to go to the principal's office.

"Jenna you may go to the principals office now" the lady at the front desk tells me

"Thank you " I say and send a sweet smile her way.I walk to the principals office.I reach her door and knock

"Aah yes Jenna how nice to see you again "she smiles as I take a seat 

"Hello Mrs.Stem "I say 

"Yes well as you are ahead off your age group in school we will be moving you to grade eleven instead of ten.You will not need to learn Afrikaans or Xhosa because you only have one year of school left , But you can learn french"she says.Thats nice to know that I can learn french because back in England I was getting top marks for French"We will be getting someone who has the same classes as you to show you were you need to go and also where your locker is.You and this person will get the day off of school for today , but tomorrow you will start school as normal.We do not have to wear uniforms so you can just wear casual clothes but they must be appropriate.Okay well you may go and I will get the Secretary to send the one girl."she says.(Just so you know this is an all girl school)I stand and leave the room.I make my way down the long hallway.By the time I reach the front desk there is another girl standing there

"Jenna this is Ms.Young"the lady behind the desk says

"Hi my name is Jess "she says

"Hi my name is Jenna " I say

"Oh so I have heard "she says which make us both laugh"Okay well lets start with our first class , just follow me " she says smiling at me.Jess show me around half of the school when the bell goes for lunch.Jess then introduces me to all of her friends

"Jenna this is Mia , Ashleigh , Saarah ,Bella , Sarah and Ollie " she says and I just wave awkwardly

"Okay newbie so lets go over the popularity chart , Okay at the top is us then its the  wannabe's , then the singers, then the drama people and then at the bottom are all of the emos and just plain old wackos. Oh and stay away from Lucy she is a wannabe who is just too wannabeish"the girl whos name is Olivia but Ollie for short says.Ollie has brown hair and brown eyes

"Yeah what ever you do just dont hang with her,she is really creepy" The girl whos name is Sarah says she has blonde hair and brown eyes.

"So you are now one of us which means you are at the top of the chart along with us"Bella says she also has brown hair and brown eyes

"So Jenna do you have anybody special in you life, wink wink nudge nudge" Ashleigh says , she has brown hair and brown eyes.Wow I just realized that every body in this group has eyes except for me ,Jess and Mia .Jess has green eyes and brown hair.Mia has blue eyes and blonde hair.And I have wavy brown-at-the-top-going-to-blonde-at-the-bottom hair with blue and green eyes, they change colour when my mood changes.And Saarah has brown eye and brown hair , you guessed it

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