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Armin woke the next day feeling like a  man who couldn't move for the next year but quickly stretched out making the pain little less and checked the time taking a shower and goes to Levi's office after kissing Eren on the cheek and hugging Mikasa

He knocked softly and heard Levi beckon him in, he walked in and smiled at Levi

Levi pointed at the chair next to him "Sit"

Armin sat next to Levi and the Raven handed Armin a fee paper and explained to his what they were and how to fill them out

They worked for about a hour before Armin decided to make conversation "So why did you agree to train me"

Levi stopped and thought for a second  "You intrigue me"

Armin blushed "How so?"

"You understand the way the world truly works unlike most people I know including myself" Levi saw the confusion on Armins face and elaborated "You know that to live in a world full of monsters you your self have to become a monster"

Armin thought back to the horrible things he said to Bertoldt about Annie
"Levi I believe that to win you have to give something up no matter what it is"

Levi nodded and Armin said "I gave up my humanity long ago for the sake of humanity"

"I get it" Levi said "The world is cruel and if you can't be just as cruel then you don't belong"

Armin nodded and smiled knowing Levi understood

"Honestly you scare me Arlert" Armin looked at him shocked "You understand sacrifice and it make me wonder how much your willing to sacrifice yourself and others to achieve a goal and that's kind of scary to think about"

Armin nodded "I don't know how much I'm truly willing to give but I have a Understanding how far I've gone"

Levi chuckled softly

"Levi can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead"

"Why did you pick me instead of Erwin?"

Levi thought for a few moments "2 things, 1 I saw alot of potential in you and as did Erwin I mean your like 18 and smarter than him" Armin looked at him with understanding eyes "2 Erwin was my friend and I didnt want to bring him back into this hell of a world so I gave you the chance to best him as he praised you very highly"

Armin smiled and said "Thank you Levi I owe you everything"

Levi shook his head "No you owe me nothing I did it because I believe in you and I still do and as did Erwin"

"I still thank you so much"

"Your welcome then but you have to remember that once you reach a certain age the survey corps will likely rest on your shoulders, but you'll have it better than Erwin did"


"You have Eren, Mikasa and me,  Erwin only had me and look at all he accomplished" Levi said giving him a small smile

"I'll have you?" Armin asked giggling

"Yeah someone has to look after you and make sure I made the right choice" Levi said making him blush a little

"So are you hange you know a thing?" Armin asked with still red cheeks

"God no I can't stand her the majority of the time" Levi said chuckling softly

"Yeah ever since I became a Titan shifter she looks at me like she wants molest me"

Levi and him laughed softly and they worked for a few more hours making nice conversation

It was time for Armin To go he hugged Levi and kissed him in the cheek "Thank you good night Levi"

Levi patted his butt "Night brat"

Armin blushed and ran off back to the apartment complex and went in sitting on the couch between hi childhood friends and he felt like he was going to jump of his skin

"Woah Ar what are you so giddy about?" Eren said chuckling

Armin blushed deep red up to his ears and grabbed both their hands and sqweezed "Y'all won't get mad?"

Mikasa nodded "We promise"

"I have a really big crush on Levi"

Armin felt a little bad as he held Mikasa back as she tried to get free to go kill Levi and Eren passed out from shock

I changed their ages to 18 and Levi is 26

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