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About a month later Mikasa looked on terrified as her brother took on a huge horde of Titans, as soon as Eren saw them he bit his finger knowing they didn't have the man power to take on that many Titans considering they lacked Levi, Levi decided to keep training Armin instead of going with them because they weren't going on a mission that was any where near where a lot of Titans go

But obviously the one time Levi or The only other Titan shifter they had, they come across one of the largest group of Titans they had seen in a very long time

Mikasa watched Eren do his best against all of them but it was very clear that he was getting over ran and just as she about jump and help him a abnormal came and she barely slipped out of the way and she kept doing what she could to dodge the beast and she looked at Eren and saw the he was in very bad position with 2 15 meters coming up behind him

Just as Eren thought that he was really gonna get eaten this time all the Titans napes just started falling off or well they were being cut off

Mikasa took a sigh of relief when she figured that meant Levi was here, she guessed that he saw the lightning from when Eren transformed and came to their assistance

She heard a thud of someone landing next her, she looked at the person and was astonished to see Levi smirking at her

Mikasa looked at the dying Titans and looked back at Levi and her mind slowly put the pieces together and gasped looking at Levi "Is that Armin out there?"

Levi smirked and nodded "He's fast isn't he?"

"Yeah I can't even see him move, the Titans are just dying some how" she said impressed

"He's faster than me, it's his best attribute, he's not very strong but hes gotten strong enough to cut them deep enough, and his speed makes it to where they can't really react to him"

Mikasa nodded and watched as the last few Titans fell to the ground dead and Armin landed perfectly right next to her as the Titan blood steamed off him and he was breathing kinda heavy but it was clear that cardio had been one of the main things Levi made him work on

He looked at her and smiled as Eren looked at him shocked "Hi guys sorry we were late"

Eren grunted a bit and Armin turned around and looked at him "Do you want me to cut you out?" and Eren nodded and Armin swung behind him and started cutting Eren out carefully while Mikasa still seemed a little dumbfounded

Levi looked at her with a big smirk "I did good on him huh?"

Mikasa nodded at him and he continued "Yeah I'm lucky he's sick a great student he picks things up like their nothing, he's pretty much mastered hand to hand in his Titan form and he's on par with you out of Titan form"

"Wow captain I've never heard you talk affectionatly about someone before, he seems to be having a good effect on you"

Levi blushed a bit much to Mikasa's surprise and then he simply flicked her off "I've been teaching him some throws and take downs too, his reflexs are amazing"

Just as Eren was talking to Armin about how awesome he was a 15 meter appeared walking towards them and Armin heard his name being called

He turned and saw Levi calling out to him and Levi pointed at the Titan and then printed to bite his finger and Armin nodded and jumped off the tree and bit his finger hard and lightning struck his body

Eren and Mikasa looked on as their best friend stood there, as a Titan that looked rather similar to the female Titan with a obvious lack of boob's and brighter hair without a big nose

Armin stood in front of he other beast and got into a perfect stance and let out a battle cry and the other Titan screeched as well

Mikasa felt Dajavu and looked at Eren and smiles a bit as the Titan ran at Armin and the blond dodged the beast and threw a high kick knocking it's head off with what seemed like ease before he used his hard and jagged elbow and slammed it into the Titans nape killing it

Soon after Armin showed off his skill Levi cut him out Armin smiled at them "Cool huh?"

Mikasa nodded and Eren smacked Armin on the back in a almost brotherly way "it's awesome buddy I'm really happy for you"

Armin nodded and blushed as they all took off through the trees towards the walls and home

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