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A month and a half later Armin slowly pulled himself out of bed and looked in the mirror staring at his bed head laughing softly before taking a nice warm shower and going to the living room, sitting on the couch next to Eren and he laid his head in his best friends shoulder

"Sup pretty boy, did you sleep good?" Eren asked

Armin smacked his thigh softly "Yeah I had a good dream"

Eren giggled "What about Levi?"

Armin pouted and blushed "S-shut up"

"Awe Armin had wet dream about Levi"

"SHUT UP YOU BULLY" Armin said with a tomato face

"Awe it's OK Armin it's natural"

"Eren leave me alone about it"

Eren shrugged "When do you start today?"

"In a hour"

"Cool" Eren nodded his head "I give my consent by the way"

"What do you mean?" Armin asked looking the brunet in the eyes

"You can date Levi and I won't eat him" Eren said chuckling "He seems to have a good effect on you"

"Um thanks dad" Armin said giggling at him

"Come on Ar you know what I mean"

Armin nodded his head and kissed his cheek before going to his room and starts getting ready

He walked down to the training fields where Levi told him to meet him, he looked around and saw the Raven sitting in the bench looking at him

He walked over to Levi "Heya"

"Hi you ready?" he asked standing up and walks to the middle if the fields with Armin following him

"So what are we gon-" He stopped when Levi threw a punch and Armin dodged and looked at Levi shocked

"We're sparring to day, let's see how your hand to hand is coming along"

Armin nodded and stood getting into a perfect stance with his feet and hands exactly how Levi taught him and he nodded telling Levi he was ready

They sparred for a hour with watch of them landing good hits and each of him getting the upper hand at different points, Levi learned all the counters to Armins attacks and Armin learned counters to Levi's counters and this went on and on

Mikasa walked down to the fields and was shocked to see what she saw, Armin and Levi were beating the shit out if each other, she got a little more pissed and shocked everytime Armin was hit, the thing that shocked her the most was not the violence that was being exchanged between them

It wasn't the fact that sweet little innocent Armin was getting punched and kicked and giving just as much as he was receiving, it wasn't the fact that Levi's lip was bleeding and a cut under Armins eye was steaming

They were smiling, that's what shocked her the most, Levi was smirking and Armin smiled brightly as they socked each other in the face

Armin dodged a kick and got behind Levi and looked like he gonna go for a take down, Levi saw this coming and threw his elbow back hard and saw a tooth go flying

Mikasa heard the awful sound and ran over to Armin after he fell but she stopped when Levi turned around and looked Armin with a look full of concern and started checking Armins face out and seemed to be saying he was sorry

Mikasa had never seen Levi look truly worried about anyone before, but here she was looking at a Levi that looked like he just watched Armin get smacked by a Titan and she smiled and walked up to them "Wow that was pretty intense"

They looked at her shocked because no one ever bothered them before

"Oh hey Mikasa" Armin said smiling brightly

Levi looked at her with his usual poker face "Hey"

"Why were y'all just beating the hell out of each other?"

Armin giggled "Sparring"

Levi nodded his agreement "Do you need him for something Mikasa?"

She shook her head "No I just wanted to see how his training is going"

"in terms of out of Titan form he's better than Eren at this point" Levi said blankly and Armin blushed

"Really? That's good Armin, how is he doing in Titan form?"

"Well that sparring we just did was only 50% of what I can do. But then again if had a Titan form I would only need about 20% to kill the average Titan"

"So he's going good there too?"

"Yes very much so, I would say in about a month he'll be on par with you in terms of being able to kill Titans in human form" Levi said making the blond blush

Mikasa smiled at her small friend "Good I'm happy for you Armin"

He nodded at her "Thank you Mikasa, me and Levi have some paper work to do and then I'll be coming home OK?"

She nodded and walked away from them

Armin and Levi went to his office and finished up the paper work quickly and Armin hugged Levi good night "Good night Levi"

Levi hugged back and rubbed the blonds back "Night Blondie"

Armin kissed him in the cheek and ran off happily

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