The Party

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Dan and Phil walked together to the party, And Dan was petrified. He was never one for a party.

"Hey, man! I didn't think you'd come!" said a voice. Dan and Phil turned around to see Oli, the boy who invited them, smiling at them. 

"Oh, of course we would!" Said Phil happily. He had a strange sparkle to his eyes tonight, thought Dan. 

"Umm... Let's go get drinks, Phil!" Said Dan, keen to get away from the other boys larking around, and the pounding music. Dan walked over to the drinks table, and frowned. Ugghh just alcahol? Really? he thought. 

"Oh, cool! I love Malibu! It's my fave!" Said Phil, and he reached over Dan to grab some. As Phil  leant over to get some, his arm brushed past Dan, And there was a sudden amount of static, like  a lightening bolt, though each others arms. Dan didn't seem to notice, or he was just hiding it well. 

"Um. Phil.. maybe you shouldn't have 3...." Muttered Dan. The last thing he needed was Phil getting drunk and throwing up everywhere.

"I'm sensible. It'll be grand!" Dan admired Phil's very relaxed attitude to life. Infact, Dan had realised, he admired Phil in general. His beautiful blue eyes, his cute anime obsession, his amazing life.

"Um.. Dan i'm just going to the bathroom." 

"Okay, sure. See u in a minuate then."

Dan stood in the corner, sipping some apple cider. "Oh, Dan, Man, i wanted to speak to you!" Dan raised an eyebrow. No one seemed to want to talk to him apart from Phil. 

"Ur.. OK" What else could he say?! "Dan, man, that boy you hang out with obviously has a thing for you... "

"What? I-- Ur--- Really?" Was what Dan managed to stutter out. "Well, dur man. I can sense the chemistry between you to!" "Ur, ok.." was Dan's reply; Secretly though, he wanted Phil with all his heart. Dan wanted Phil's arms around him, his lips on his. But Dan couldn't believe this. He isn't gay. He couldn't be! His dad would Kill him!

"I-- Um. I'm going to find Phil" Said Dan, and walked through the croud to see Phil.

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