Chasing Cars

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Authors Note: I do not own any songs or merchandise I might mention no (copywriter intended) the only thing I own on hear is my story and no you may not have permission to copy it. If you like it comment.

" Would you lie with me and just forget the world..." Chasing Cars plays on repeat echoing in my ears, I've owned it for only minutes, but have already become addicted. Music is nice. 

Why is it in the movies when two lovers are lying in a grassy field, the slightly overgrown grass with a few stray dandy lions is so perfect? There's never any yellow spots of dead grass or mosquitoes swarming over their heads, biting at them. It's just perfect. Why can't I find a place like that? Maybe those places don't actually exist, maybe they just seem so magical because of all the endorphins seeping through the minds of the star crossed lovers. And yes I say lovers, it's cheesy, but I like it. I also like making love/love making, if its used right in a sentence. Its such a personal word only to be shared with the person your doing it with. In the moment its beautiful.

My life will become complete when I find that perfect grassy field, but for now I'm hear in this lonely world, lonely, but beautiful world. My name Jennifer Dove Snow. It suits me for shit. What's worse it gives people permission to call me Jennie or Jenny (yes two spellings) or Jenny-Bear or Jennie-poo or any other ridiculous pet name you can think of. It pisses me off, a lot. My mom the devious bitch (as my dad likes to call her)  named me Jennifer, my dad (the backstabbing loser as referred to by my mom) named my Dove after his mom, my Gramma Dovie the sweetest woman in the world. As you can tell my parents aren't on speaking terms, yet they live in the same house, and are divorced, but still live in the same house, are you getting my point. They have been "divorced" for 6 months, fighting for lets see, one, two, three, four, five...., fourteen years. How old am I am 14. Yah, great right. The perfect American family,in the perfect normal home, living the perfect normal life. If they only knew Webster's definition of perfect and hell then they would realize they have their definitions switched. This is the world I live in surrounded by people who seemed to have forgotten all of there second grade vocabulary words. Its joyous, and this is my life.

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