Chapter 1 The Perfect Family

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I can hear his giggles and playful screams before I can even see him, but there he is so happy, so innocent, so perfect, the real definition of perfect, even with his smooth little bald head and black batman beanie. He runs up to me springing into my arms as I sling him onto my hip. Did I mention I had a little brother, he's great, I never did understand why people hated there siblings I love mine. His name's Austin, Austin Wolfgang Snow, Wolfgang after our Grampers as I used to call him, good old Grumpy Grampers. How could you expect someone to be not incredibly grumpy if there first name was Wolfgang. I think it just gives you automatic permission to constantly be PMSing.

I smile at my perfect little brother as he giggles and pokes at my dimple. I only have one, but he has two perfect little dimples, only adding to his every growing adorableness.

I finally snap back to reality when I notice my name being called by Austin's teacher, Miss Smiley (is it mandatory for all preschool teachers to have an overly happy last name or something), a particularly robust women with an ego to match, she never really liked Austin, seriously who couldn't like Austin with his blue gray eyes and perfect smile.

She strolled up to me with a particularly ugly floral sweater on, and an even uglier look on her face. She started blabbing about something Austin did, but I wasn't really paying much attention at this point anymore, that is until she snapped her fingers in front of my face like I was one of her students.

"Miss Snow please pay attention so you can report this back to your parents," She blubbed like a fish, that's what she reminded me of a fish, an ugly, slimy, rude fish. " Austin decided to punch another student in the face, giving the poor boy a bloody nose." I suppressed a giggle, but failed, at the thought of my peace loving 4 year old little brother punching another kid straight in the nose, this angered Miss Blub Fish. "Excuse me I have no idea how your parents raised you and your brother," she spat, " but in this school we do not find violence of this sort to be funny-" that's where I cut her off. I am the only person who is aloud to insult my parents parenting skills.

" Excuse me, Miss pretentious bitch, but you have no idea how our parents raised us so I suggest you shut your lousy trap and listen up!"

"But, but-" I cut her off again.

"No, buts you listen I am sure that Austin had a perfectly good reason to slug that kid, now I can assure you that Austin will not be returning to your school Monday, or ever. And you can be sure that my parents both highly respected lawyers will be contacting your supervisor to file a complaint about this deplorable behavior! Good bye and p.s you should get your ass checked there seems to be something pretty far up there I can't imagine that that's healthy." Austin giggled at that, I walked away carrying Austin and his bag down the side walk to my car, leaving the blub fish shocked and caught off guard. I guess she's not used to people actually telling to truth.

I have a car my parents found a loop whole in the parental guardian system so that I could get my license 2 years yearly without temps. It has to with them being to busy to take Austin places and crap so I am his partial legal guardian. I can take him to important things like doctor appointments, and chemo treatments, and stuff. I can also sign off on all the stuff a parent could. If you haven't caught on yet Austin has cancer. Wilms Tumor or nephroblastoma its cancer in the kidneys, stage 3. He was diagnosed at age 2, they said it was just in one kidney, but the other kidney was so weak that if they took out the cancerous one that he would go into kidney failure. Turns out I was a perfect match, 8 mouths later on his 3rd birthday we were both going into surgery. I had my kidney removed and so did Austin, but he got mine.

Happy ending right almost, it turns out that Austin had cancer in the other kidney to, so they started chemo, and put him on the donors list since I couldn't give him another (even though I gladly would have), and no one else in our family was a match. The list is extremely long so its was gonna take awhile. Anyways now Austin goes in for treatment to fight it off and keep it from spreading any farther. He's does ok, he'll get better.

I strap him into his car seat, and jump into the front. I drive an old blue ford truck that I bought from an auction with my own money. Four door of course for Austin. He said it reminded him of Mater from Cars 2 the blue one. He liked it so I bought it. $900 plus the extra $2000 to fix it, but it made Austin smile. That's all that mattered.

After we jumped in I asked Austin why he punched the other kid.

He said in a soft yet proud voice, " Tyler deserved it, he was making fun of Bethany for having to get her head shaved, from her brother putting tar in it. Nobody should get teased for being different and especially not for not having any hair." God he was so beyond his years that's probably what I admired most about him. "Now can we go get ice cream before going home! Ppppplllllleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaassssssseeeee!!!!!!" He squealed back to his normal 4 year old self.

"Ice cream! Again!" I say a little to joyed, "You just had some yesterday!"

"But it tastes so good Jenna." he said exasperated, he's the only one I don't mind calling me Jenna. To everyone else its Jen or J and that's it.

"Well since you were so brave today sticking up for that little girl, I guess I can make an exception, but on one condition." I say all parental like.

"ANYTHING!" he yelled.

"No more punching people, unless you have to."

"Deal, now come on before they close!!!"

"Yeah, yeah hold your horses" I say as he squirms in his seat.

"Never!" I pulled out and make my way to the ice-cream shop.

(Authors Note I hope your enjoying it so far sorry I had to put a sad part in there, but it justs how I was dreaming it last night.)

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