Chapter 3 Table For Two

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When 5:30 rolls around I have pasta noodles boiling. Spaghetti tonight, its one of the easiest thinks to make, and I was tired, so I kept it simple.

I sat on the stool in the kitchen, a cooking show played in the background, but I wasn't really paying attention. I was much more interested in the magazine article about a new stem sell research program geared towards cancer treatment, I had pulled up on my iPod. It was about this a way they can use cord blood from a baby to treat and even cure cancer and many other conditions. I really wish my parents had heard about this when Austin was born, although they probably wouldn't have wasted their precious time on it.

"DING DING DING DING !!!!!" My timer goes off. I start putting the final touches on my master piece, which was really just plain old spaghetti with sauce and a basal leaf on the top of each mound. I didn't bother to set out any plates for my parents. They wouldn't be home till 11 or later anyways so whats the point.

Six rolled around so I wondered up the grand stair case to get Austin. When I opened his door he was playing on the floor with his various action figures. I never cared much for actually playing with my toys. I was always afraid I would ruin them, but Austin no he lived life as a normal boy in the respect for toys.

I couldn't say for sure, but I'm pretty sure he was reenacting Godzilla with his dinosaur and superhero toys. It was cute the way he got so into his make believe story. To him it was real, but like every story it must come to an end unless it was The Never Ending Story, but his was Godzilla, and a growing boy needs to eat.

"Aussie come on time for dinner." I say in the most annoying motherly voice I can muster.

"Just five more minutes, Jennie, okay?" We says brushing me off.

"Now Aus a growing boy needs his pasta." I have an assortment of nicknames for him.

"Not this time bud." I run over and scoop him up like a puppy as he squeals in joy and try's to get away to no avail. I run him down stair bridal style placing him in front of his chair. He climbs in as I go around to my seat. We have a long stretched out table like in the movies where the mother and father sit at the far ends watching their guest in that weird creepy monarchy way. Yep we're that family, but for the past year or too Austin and I have been the only ones using it, but it has been put to good use. Many food fights and forts have been seen by this table. Not to mention the homemade paper solar system  taped to the bottom of it. Finally Austin has settled down and it is time to eat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2014 ⏰

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