George x Reader

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Ok, so I am absolutely in love with the Weasley twins especially George, so I was really excited to make this one!! plz enjoy!

I was in the Gryffindor common room with my best friend, Ginny. She was going on and on about Harry Potter.

"I don't understand how you can be sooo obsessed with a guy." I said, shaking my head.

"Says the girl who is obsessed with Viktor Krum." she giggled as I started to fan girl.

"Cause' Viktor is HOT!"

"Who is Victor?" George said, sitting beside of me on the couch, a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"Is Georgie jealous." Ginny said with a smirk. I blushed and kicked her leg.

"N-no, of course not." George stuttered.

"Okay..." she said, standing up

"I have to finish my essay for potions class, see you later, y/n" Ginny said. She whispered something in George's ear.

"SO, who's Viktor?"
He brushed his fingers through is hair.

"Is he your boyfriend."
I laughed, he looked at me, confused.

"Viktor? Viktor Krum, the quidditch player? He is NOT my boyfriend. He doesn't know I exist."

He blushed angrily an looked at his lap.

He quietly murmured, "I would be a better boyfriend.

I gasped and smiled.


"Yes, George?"

"Will you go with me to Hogsmead?"

"Yes!" I said a little to loud.

He chuckled and grabbed my hand. We walked out of the common room and to the great hall for lunch.

I stopped and asked him. "what did Ginny say to you?"

He chuckled.

"She told me to man up and ask you out because to liked me back." He put his arm around me an let me into the great hall.

"When I see her Im going to kill her, bring her back to life, and thank her."

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