Chapter 9

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A new updaaaate!

Enjoy xx


Harry's P.O.V

I should've sent the car with Zayn or Liam or even Louis to Kristina's place instead of Niall but I couldn't.


A Few minutes later after Kristina left, I received a call, and it was my sister,Gemma.

"Gemma..?" I was a little worried because she never calls at times like these.

"Harry! You have to come home immediately!" she said, crying..But why?

"What's going on? Why are you crying?"

'I-t's mum, s-she is in her room and the door is locked, I tried to call her several times but she didn't answer!"

"What?! Okay, I'm coming right now!" I said and hurried back to the lads.

"Guys, who can take me home?"

"You look.. worried?" "Yeah, what's going on Harry?" Zayn and Louis asked me.

"I'll tell you later, I promise, but right now I have to go."

"I will take you" Liam said.

"Thanks pal"


When we arrived, I quickly left the car and got inside the house, followed by Liam.

I reached upstairs and found Gemma standing in front of the closed door of my mother's bedroom.

"Gemma!" I called her name, and when she saw me, she walked over to me a hugged me. "Harry! Thank god you came!"

"She is still not answering?" I asked her.


"I think we have to break the door" Liam suggested.

"Yeah, you're right"

When the door was finally broken, we entered her bedroom and started to look for her. I found her laying on the floor next to the bed and trust me, at that moment, I was afraid that I might lose her.

"I-I found her.." I looked at them and pointed next to me.

"Oh my god.." when Gemma saw her,she was at a lost of words..

"Don't worry, she is still breathing,we have to take her to the hospital" I told them.

We then took her to the hospital and waited for the doctor to tell us what happened.

"Harry, I don't want to lose her.." Gemma said, looking scared.

'You won't, everything's gonna be alright, I promise" I said, patting her on the head.


Kristina's P.O.V

When I woke up in the next morning, I cheked my phone to see what time was is but noticed that I had a text.

When I opened it, it was from Harry.

From Harry:

Morning princess, I hope you slept well.

I'm sorry for what happened yesterday.x

Aw,isn't he lovely?

To Harry:

It's okay,you don't have to appologize Harry.x

After sending him the text, I went to the bathroom, got prepared and left my bedroom.

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