Chapter 11

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Kristina's P.O.V

When we finished our breakfast, Dylan and I went for a walk and talked for a while.

After that, he took me home and we said goobyes.

Before entering the house, I decided to call Harry.

"Hey beautiful!" He said.

"Hii Harry! How're you?" I asked him.

"Doing well, what about you?" He asked.

"Not really.. I miss your face" I said, joking.

"Haha, I miss yours too, want me to come over ?" he asked me.

"Yes!" I answered happily.

"See ya then!" he then hung up.

Harry's P.O.V

"Where are you going?" Niall asked me when I ended up the call.

"To kristina's place.." I answered him. I didn't want to tell him, but I couldn't lie to him..

"Ah" that's all he managed to say.

"Anyway, what are going to do with Kylie?" I asked him, changing the subject.

"Honestly, I don't know.." he answered with a deep sigh. "I sent her a text and told her that we're done.."

"I see.."

"Anyway, I have to go, I'll see ya tonight!" he got up from the couch, gave me a small hug and left.


Sorry for not updating earlier, I have exams and I'm so nervous!

I'll make the next chapter longer!

Thank you! Have a good day/night ..x

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