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Hello there! Please put all of your requests here, and include any information that you would like to have in the story. Here are some prompts that I stole off of the internet to get you started:

1)  Watching a scary horror movie and trying to pretend not to be scared during and after the movie.

2) Person 1 somehow convinces Person 2 to let them paint their nails.

3) As little kids, and Person 1 makes a promise to Person 2 saying they will take them on a date when they "grow up" (that can be when they are teens, or 16, or an adult idk). Person 1 moves away, however, but Person 2 never forgot. One day when they are both "grown up", someone approaches Person 2 with a bouquet of roses, and Person 2 doesn't recognize them at first.

It's Person 1, they kept their promise.

4)  In school and get into a fight about something in the middle of the hallway. The school official (could be Person 3 of OT3) breaks them up, and forces them to either sit together at a small table during lunch, or get suspended. 

5) In high school, but one day they skip school to have fun doing whatever. Person 1 does this all the time without getting caught, but Person 2 has never skipped school before.

Do they get caught?

I am too lazy to continue copying and pasting. These are from "OTP Prompts and Fanfic Ideas" on Tumblr. (See? I credited my source.)

So, yeah. Please request.

Much love,


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