Chapter 18

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Kennedy ' s POV

It was hitting 12 a.m. and Drew still wasn't home.

Something just wasn't sitting well with me.

I was determined not to close an eye until I knew he was in this condo safe and sound.

The last thing I wanted to do was nag him , we had JUST got back on good terms.

I snacked on Wheat Thins and had laughs watching Martin.

I couldn't enjoy the laugh because Drew was the only person on my mind .

I cut the tv off and prayed that everything was alright. 

I just stared in the dark . Anticipating the alarm system to go off that notifies me that he is home. 

2 a.m.

Constant vibrations woke me up.

"Tf' ?" I yelled!

Who could be calling this late ?

When I read the name . it was Drew.

Everything hit me at once.

I was supposed to be waiting up for him. How could I have gone to sleep.

I hurriedly answered the phone.

An out of breath Drew yelled "Call your daddy ASAP and tell him Code Black"

"What ? what are you talking about" I asked confused .

"Look " He yelled trying to catch his breath.

"Pop pop". I hear gun shots.

Nothing more needed to be said.

"I'm calling him now. Know that I love you and be safe. please just please tell me you will be safe "

I immediately hung up the phone and called my daddy.

In the midst of rings I slipped on jogging pants.

"Hello" he answered groggily

"Daddy , daddy . I don't know why Drew told me to call and tell you but Code Black,  Code Black" I yelled anxiously

I heard the phone cut off.

I redialed him.

"Daddy why did you hang up ?" I asked confused

"Look Kenn just don't leave the house" He said stressed

"No daddy . No! not you too. Tell me something. " I whined in a angry yet serious tone .

I kept on rambling and sobbing.

"Listen Kenn , Listen. Whatever you do promise not to leave the house"

"But no . You don't know how it feels when everyone around you knows something and you're clueless . And the two people you love the most may be in danger and I'm told I can't leave the house. I feel helpless" I sobbed.

"Kennedy I don't have to for this. We dont have time for this. This is a matter of life and death. I don't need you in my ear crying" I stated seriously.

When he hung up the second time I knew not to call back again.

This was a side of my father I had never heard before. 

He sounded like the crazy men on horror movies.

His tone was crisp and you knew he meant buisness.

I looked around the condo and thought was this life ?

My life ?

What does my daddy and Drew have going on ?

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