chapter 4

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I was eyeing the bottle of soju in Chanyeol's hands with suspicion. The warehouse was as cold as ever and the other guys's eyes were all dark while they were watching the leader of our team with disbelief. He was smiling at us and telling us how he deserved a drink after we successfully completed our first case one month ago. We weren't sure if this was supposed to be a test or something like that, but eventually I just shrugged and raised one of the shot glasses towards him. Their gazes moved towards me and my features formed a frown.

'' I see how it is! You are going to let me drink it first to see if it's not actually poison before you try it too! '' I mumbled and glared at them before downing the drink. They watched me with expectation, I rolled my eyes and muttered: '' No, it's not poison and I'm not going to- ''

I suddenly let out a scream, stumbled for a few steps and fell on the sofa that was in the warehouse. Sunmi and Chanyeol gasped with surprise at the sight of that, then I raised my head and grinned. '' Yeah, no. I'm just messing with you. '' 

'' You got my hopes up for a moment, '' Sunmi mumbled and sighed with disappointment.

The others poured themselves a shot of soju and I jumped on my feet and walked closer again. I noticed that only Baekhyun's glass was empty and grabbed the bottle. He raised his eyebrows with surprise when he saw me pour him a drink. I was ignoring him for the past month at the prison, so he clearly wasn't expecting me to talk to him any time soon. '' I don't actually drink alcohol. '' 

At the sight of my death glare he quickly grabbed the shot and drank it, mumbling something about how bitter it was. Chanyeol slammed his own glass down and picked up the file he brought with him. His large eyes were shining and his voice was filled with excitement: '' Alright now, listen up. You did good when you put that filthy prosecutor behind bars, but now we are up against something completely different. ''

My head instantly raised when he spoke. I was curious to hear about this case ever since he showed up at the prison and told me that it was connected to the debt collection world. There were ten bodies so far and all of them were gruesomely beaten and tortured. They were found in their small and poor homes that were destroyed too or at the business that they owned. All valuable things that they owned were gone and their bank accounts were drained. 

'' The reason their murders were linked to debt collectors was because the money disappeared from their bank accounts just around the time of their deaths, '' Chanyeol said, searching through the file he brought with him. Then he suddenly pulled out a picture from one of the crime scenes and his smile faded away a little. '' This is their latest victim. His body was discovered by his ex wife and daughter just a few hours ago. If we hurry up, we can go check out the crime scene. '' 

That was how we all ended up crowding in to Chanyeol's black car. He was driving and happily tapping his finger on the steering wheel in the rhythm of the radio, Kyungsoo was sitting by his side and I was stuck in the middle of the backseat, right between Baekhyun and Sunmi. The home where the latest victim of the crime used to live was only a short ride away, but it still felt like an eternity. 

I was trying to sit as far away from Baekhyun as I could, but that resulted in to me almost crawling in to Sunmi's lap. The girl eventually got annoyed, pushed me away and made me fall on the guy's legs instead. I tried to move, but he quickly wrapped his arm around me, pulled me closer and mockingly whispered in my ear: '' Are you afraid that I will bite you, or is there any other reason you don't want to sit close to me? ''

His lips parted, he showed his teeth and leaned towards my neck. My eyes grew wide with shock and I quickly pushed his head back, moved away from him and looked at Sunmi with a pleading expression: '' Can we switch seats? '' 

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