chapter 19

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Chen's hand was holding mine and we were running down the dark streets of China town. I was looking over my shoulder with fear when his grip suddenly tightened and he pulled me in one of the alleyways. We almost fell down the stairs that lead in to a subway station, where he pushed me behind the vending machines and covered my mouth. I looked at him with wide eyes, while he was gazing towards where we came from and listening. The station was quiet, it was only the sound of our heavy breathing and after a few moments he decided that nobody followed us. That was when he glanced towards me again and suddenly realised how close we were standing. He quickly let go of me and took a step back.

'' I'm sorry. ''

I crossed my arms on my chest and seriously asked: '' For what? ''

He was looking at the ground and avoiding my stare. '' Everything. ''

'' You turned on the fire alarm in the casino, didn't you? '' I quietly muttered, staring right at him.

He slowly nodded and ran through his wet hair with his hand. '' Yes. ''

'' Yixing told me you had no choice last time. Boss threatened to kill your family, '' I carefully answered and let out a deep breath. He looked at me with surprise, because he realised that I forgave him. Despite all, I understood why he betrayed me like that. '' By the way, why are you the only one with a gun? ''

He safely tucked it back behind his belt and smiled. '' Because I would be the first one you would shoot if you would have it too. ''

'' That's true, but you would deserve it, Oppa, '' I answered and grinned in amusement.

Chen suddenly took a step towards me again and put his hands on my shoulders. I blinked with surprise when I saw how his face got serious. A shadow fell over his features and he quietly pleaded: '' Don't go back to him. Don't go back to boss. Please. You deserve better, Hari-ah. ''

'' What am I supposed to do? '' I mumbled, remembering the threat that was still looming over my head. I knew all too well that boss wasn't one to give up. He was going to wait for me to come to him tomorrow and if I won't show up, it would go back to people trying to kill me.

'' I am leaving Seoul tonight and going to Busan. I would ask you to come with me, but I know that you would say no, '' he answered and smiled with sadness. '' Tell that guy. He will protect you. He will kill him for you. You will be safe then. ''

I shook my head and replied: '' I don't think it's that simple, Oppa. ''

He sighed and let go of my shoulders again. '' I wish it was that simple. ''

'' That man... '' I suddenly began and my eyebrows furrowed together with confusion. '' The one that was playing poker with boss. He is a prosecutor called Son Woo Jin. Do you know him? Is he a friend of boss? ''

Chen frowned in thought before he slowly nodded. '' I know him. He doesn't come to the casino very often, but boss and him are friends. Years ago he borrowed some money from him. He needed it to pay for a lawyer for his divorce. His partner at the prosecution office found out about that and she decided to do something very stupid. Boss was our age back then, but he was already quite powerful and everyone feared him. She gathered the evidence to put him in jail and came to him. He thought she was going to try to arrest him, but instead she made a deal with him. She would get rid of the evidence if he would help her get to power. ''

'' Is she dead now? '' I asked and raised my eyebrows in question. The woman was certainly courageous for coming to boss with a request like that, but also very stupid for thinking that she would actually scare him.

'' She is the director of the prosecution office now. '' Chen's eyes shined and he took of his denim jacket. I looked at him with surprise and he held it towards me. '' Put it on. Your clothes are wet because of the sprinklers that turned on after I set off the fire alarm. You will get a cold. ''

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