chapter 18

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I was chewing my ramen noodles, but at the same time I was also completely alert and ready to strike at any moment. The rest of team x that was crowding around the small table also looked like they were prepared to fight if they will have to. Our eyes were suspicious and we were all glancing at each other, almost waiting for one to snap, lose their cool and punch the one sitting the closest to them. The only one slurping their ramen like it was just another regular friendly dinner was Junmyoen. He was stretching his neck and being careful not to get his suit dirty instead of looking around in case somebody would try to kill him.

It was safe to say that we didn't do things like this. Junmyeon forced us to leave the cold and dark warehouse to go to a tent restaurant a short walk away from there and we were completely out of our comfort zone. The conversation was still going while we were talking about the case that we were working on, but then we quickly fell in to silence.

'' Who's idea was this? '' Sunmi suddenly spoke up and scowled. ''Just sitting around the same table with all of you like we are friends is making me lose my appetite. ''

'' I heard that you were a strange group, but I never thought it was this bad, '' Junmyeon mumbled and his gaze thoughtfully moved across our uncomfortable faces. '' You are even worse at socialising than I am. ''

'' We are not worse than you, '' we suddenly spoke up in union.

That made everyone freeze and look around with surprise, while he chuckled in amusement. '' You are bad, but you are fixable. That is exactly what I'm trying to do. I can't believe you never had a meal together like this. No wonder you suck at teamwork. ''

Kyungsoo pushed his round glasses higher up his nose and looked at Junmyeon. '' We aren't that bad at teamwork. For example, we just silently decided that we all hate you. Isn't this good enough? Almost like telepathy. ''

'' Can I leave when I finish my ramen? I am going to miss the drama that I am currently watching if I don't get home by two in the morning, '' Sunmi mumbled and glanced at the time on her phone. She didn't even realise that she just admitted that she stayed awake to two in the morning every week and waited for a new episode of a drama to air. '' It's a lot more entertaining than all of you together will ever be. ''

She flipped her long hair over her shoulder and started to talk about the drama that she was watching. Junmyeon was really the only one that was listening to her. Chanyeol was eating his ramen and playing a game on his phone, Kyungsoo seemed to be trying to finish his food as fast as possible so that he could leave and Baekhyun was staring in to distance with a serious expression on his face. I was lost in my thoughts and thinking about what we managed to find out at the club Sound last night.

We didn't even get banned, even if the bouncers came after Baekhyun got in to a fight. They just ended up throwing all of us out of the club, but it was still a good night, because we got a lot of useful information and after a short research back at the warehouse, we found out something very interesting. Jihyo, the school girl who got strangled and beaten, was cheating on her drug dealing boyfriend with his father. That man was no one else than prosecutor Son Woo Jin, who was the one who put her mother's supposed murderer in prison.

I was frowning and trying to figure out what could be the truth behind this whole story. Junmyeon eventually gave up on making us more friendly and sociable and decided that there was only one way to do that. Starting a conversation and joking didn't work, so he had no choice but to wave at the owner of the tent restaurant and order a few bottles of soju. Now that instantly made a difference and I was almost enjoying my time while listening to Kyungsoo and his drunk tale of a complicated surgery he performed last week.

I chuckled and patted his shoulder. '' To tell you the truth, you look like the last person that would be passionate about saving people's lives. I am honestly amazed by the work you do, but I can't believe your pay is really as low as you say. ''

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