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This story took place in class where my best friend Ab decided to say "Hey Amy." (my name is Amy, I dont mind telling y'all I mean its kind of in my name anyways "Amster") Anyways she done it repeatively and got the boy next to her, Jaim to do it too.

After that I kept saying "hi" back repeatedly again then Danny got involved with it! Danny started to say hi I got fed up with it and started quietly saying "Hi" because I am so awkward!

Danny started to get "offended" by saying that I discriminated against gingers!

I slowly started saying "I am not trying to be." that totally resolved the situation— not! Boys will be boys.

Then Jaim told a couple of his friends about this "Ginger" incident. I started to sweat shiver and panic, because I am so awkward that too many people were getting involved.

Then Lucas decided that this would be fun so he came over to me and drew ginger on my WHITE SHIRT! (I am English but not from England so we unfortunately have uniforms.)

When Jaim laughed and said "He drew ginger on my back." I nodded silently and my heart was beating from that awkward encounter with TOO MANY PEOPLE!

Anyways, my friend Ab managed to get it to stop so I was relieved when that happened but it was just an awkward encounter.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed my first story from this, everyone was given names to hide identity.

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