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Ah, only if you done Scottish social dancing you'd know the hell of it.
Its... so freaking awkward— you're kinda just like— "Well! I'm too awkward, can a blackhole devour me now, please?"

Anyways— I figured out recently on a P.E social media, we were recorded doing the social dancing. RECORDED AND PUT ON TWITTER.

I looked and watched the video and I wanted to die, you could tell I was being so awkward because I was panicking!

I just wanna live my life without social awkward situations— please...

I just wanted to address for all you people who don't do social dancing, you... are so lucky and be glad because no matter your sexuality you still have too dance with a boy! So anyways yeah I want to die now because my stupid teacher (while recording but most of the time anyways) was laughing his face off!

(Although to be completely honest its so funny watching the teachers dance to demonstrate... Our teacher was your typical enthusiastic nervous teacher, he was laughing awkwardly with a tomato face but yeah still jumpy and all "happy" and crap, like it was sorta funny but I still hate Social Dancing, and this moment with the P.E posting it on Twitter scares me.)

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