fIrE dRiLlS

22 0 13

Today, I experienced what I never thought'd happen.. well I mean not really but it sounds dramatic so I will go with it..

It's about FIRE DRILLS.. yay!

"But Fire Drills aren't scary-" SHHH, okay?

Yeah so on Monday (17th June 2018), I had a fire drill with my classmates, normal right? Well our school work it a weird way..

So once the fire alarm sounds, our teachers often say, "Leave your stuff," and so I did, as normal, and then you go through the nearest exit to you, which were the English Wing B Doors, but you gotta go ALL the way around the front of the school to the front to go to the astroturf pitch. Now, this isn't bad depending on what subject your in, in this case it was Science, so I left and then walked with Chaz and Ab to the front of the school. There were like 100 people there at once, I saw a couple of Maths teachers and Science teachers but that's relatively normal since Maths/Science (sorta) on the lower ground levels, but I had no clue whatsoever where our Science teacher went (probably patched us to find his registration class if he has one)

So there we were, panicking, but then it was normal after we saw our class, we followed as normal. It was a drill, pretty normal from then on. My friend left her cheesestring in her bag which was pretty devastating, by the way also the Science teacher was not aware of the drill so we didn't know at the time. We found out quickly though.

That's not the end, 3 days later (Thursday), we were almost due to go home, I was in maths, again, and then tHe AlArM sOuNdeD, I was just doing some algebraic equations and my teacher was like, "yOu GoT to be KiddIng mE," in a disgusted tone. So then again, "Leave your stuff," and I patched it, I lost Ab and had no clue where my maths teacher went.
(Be aware I've got a new maths teacher now the timetable changed about 2 weeks ago. She gives out a ton of homework and whines alot but I can live with it if my friend can when she was in her class last year.)

So there I was.. going to the pitch.. again.. (okay so when you go to the pitch theres signs, you go to your registration class sign, which in this case was 1T2, even though I'm in 2T2, but logic.) So I stood there panicked because it took a min for our classmates to actually arrive.
Half of my class patched it because they weren't there, I found Ab and about 5 mins later, Chaz appeared.
We stood there speaking loudly and ranting how we wanted to go home, I kept looking over to see if Kat was coming, but no, she patched it too. Well then.

Then when I was looking over, I saw a Fire Engine. The front entrance gates were locked. The heck, that costs like £250 just to call and send out!? I was like, surely the school isn't burning? WhAT is happeningggggggg!1!!1

Not too many people were at the pitch, infact probably like half the school patched it. Like the hell okay I hate doing equations because I suck at maths but when a fire engine is called it's like real crap bro.

Well, I still don't even know how/why it went off.. but guess I will find out.. someday perhaps..


Moral of the story:
Staying at school for an extra 20 mins doing nothing sucks, and can't forget fire drills suck in a school with 2000 people. Don't have them twice in a week kids, chaos happens.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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