🗡A girl with a sword at her neck🗡 |Edited|

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I sat in my bed and just stared out my window. This is my last moment of being stuck in this prison of what I call home or at least I thought was my home. I grab my rope and began to climb down. As my feet slowly touch the ground, I felt free.

'Halt!' I heard being free causing my adrenaline to increase by a tenfold.

As I dash I felt my long blue hair expand in the air. My f/c hood covered my identity. No one will know my identity. Perfect. Leaning on a oak tree, I slowly drifted into a world of adventure that I was a misconception of reality (in my opinion).

Garroth's POV
I search round the forest looking for an escape. The sound twig snapping alerted me as I slowly reached for my blade.

'What was that?' I questioned.

'Quiet! from over here!' Katelyn replied, her voice echoing loudly. Hypocrite.

Right under a large oak tree lied a person with a f/c hood. They looked peaceful just lying asleep. Their light snores were faint and was the only way of seeing if they were alive.

'It's only a person.' I said looking at my comrades. 'We probably should leave them alone.'

Laurence was obviously sceptical. He showed this by holding his sword at the person's neck. Clearly ready to slash them.


'Get up!' A unfamiliar voice spoke.
Right in front of me was a sword up to my neck.

'Why do you have a sword at my neck?' I questioned there was no reply.

'Ok what's your name?' The voice questioned. Gosh, why do they seem ignorant?

'Why should I trust you?'

'Tell me or else!' A boy yelled, his fists tightening on her blade.

'Or else what!'

'I'll slice you in half!' female voice threatened.

'Fine it's y/n! Now you?!'

'Katelyn and this is Garroth and Laurence.' The women introduce them.

'So why did he have a sword at me?' I asked. Honestly that was probably the most politest thing a man has ever done.

'He thought you were an enemy.' Laurence said 'Also where are YOU from?' He asked, emphasise you.

'Tu'la.' He instantly puts his sword up again, startling me.

'LAURENCE!' Katelyn yelled to the boy.

'She is a threat!' I then put up my sword.

'I am no threat. You seem the threat by doing this!' I yelled, my silver blade defending me.

The girl with the blade at her neck was not a weak girl to mess with. She was a warrior. A warrior that always stands victorious.

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