The Keepers

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Katelyn's POV
'W-what!?' I exclaimed, clearly confused.

Y/N scratched her head baring a sheepish smile. 'Yeah... I know you probably wanna kill me.'

'I don't.' I stated firmly.

'Why?' She asked me.
I looked away, a light smile gazed onto my face. 'You ran away. You knew you were different. You knew you belonged somewhere else. But how were you adopted?'

'I don't know.' I see y/n is clutching something and instantly ask:
'What's that?'

'A pendant from my real parents before they gave me up.'
She placed the pendant in a music box. There placed were 6 multi coloured stones. She instantly shut the box before I could make out what they were.

'Out of curiosity were you adopted?' She asked.

'Now that you mention it I was. By the way I gotta go.' I said.

'Bye!' She yelled.

I walk out but instead of going back I peered through the window.

'Don't worry I'll find who the keepers are soon...' I heard Y/N mutter. Then a small pixie sized girl popped out.

'You promise y/n!' She asked. F
'I promise!'
Garroth's POV
I saw Katelyn running up to us.
'Hey!' She said
'Why YOU rushing back r u and y/n twins?'
She gave me the death stare
'That's a no I guessing but why are you here running.'
'Y/n is not like anyone. She has these stones that are multicoloured and also she was talking to a pixie about these keepers.'
'K-keepers?' I said
'Yes there were 6 stones.'
'Wow... maybe we should talk to Zoey about this she is knowledgeable with magicks and that sort of stuff.'
As we walk to Zoey's house we talk about these stones.
*Katelyn knocks the door*
'Come in!'
'Hey Zoey... can we talk to you about something.'
'What exactly.'
'The Keepers stones!'
'K-keepers stones? Why all the sudden?'
*after ten minutes of telling Zoey*
'Ohhh I see let me look!'
'Here is the book. Sooo the keepers stones are 7 keepers of 7 stones. The keepers are unknown only one has been recorded as found. These stones have incredible powers depending on the one you have. Mixing the pure red and green and blue one can cause extreme power. The others are unknown. The stones have mini guardian pixies and elves protecting them until the keepers have been found.'
'So that was who she was talking to!'
'Maybe we should ask her about it?'
*long time after searching for her tree*
I hear a knock. I'm guessing who it is. 'Hi y/n!'
'Hi! Why are you back?'
'Do you know anything about these stones.'
I froze. How do they know? I'm guessing Katelyn was spying on me when she left.
'Ok I'll tell you.'
*long time explaining*
'So are you one of them?'
'And you're guarding the stones until the keepers are found.'
'Yes... Tamera you can come out now I trust them!'
'Are you sure y/n?'
Tamera popped out and introduced herself...
'Hi I'm Tamera guardian of the keepers stone.'
'Nice to meet you Tamera.'
After 2 hours of talking Tamera whispers something to me:
'You really think they are the ones to help?'
'Yes I'm sure Tamera!'

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