Lead the way...

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Hey guys, I decided to post an early update! instead of the once a week thing I said I was going to do( which was ridiculous, you guys deserve better :P ) I’m gonna try and update multiple times a week! :o




We pull into my driveway. I honestly have no idea why he's here.

"Lead the way..." he says in monotone.

I take my time walking to my front door. I can feel his eyes on me and I look behind me to find him staring at me in a very dark and seductive way. I open the door as quietly as I can, because I don’t want my mom to find us. She hates witches after all.

I motion him to come in. when he walks through the doors, he heads up the staircase as if he owned the place.

How the hell does he know where my room is? It must be a witch thing.

When he gets to the top of the stair case he tells me to lead the way again.

The second I walk into my room he shuts the door and pushes me up against it.

He trails kisses down the side of my neck, and I let out a moan as quietly as possible. This just turns him on more. His hands go under my shirt and around my waist. I got extremely turned on, maybe too turned on.

I pushed him on my bed and ripped his shirt off. He groaned. I started to trail my tongue down his neck until I got to the base. I extended my fangs and slid my fangs in his flesh.

His blood was like none other. It was a sweet spice flavor that I could drink the rest of my life. I drank until I felt like I had enough, truly I never wanted to stop. If I were a turned vampire I would have lost all control. 

I slid my fangs out and slowly licked my lips to get the thick blood off. I feel better than ever before. I look down at Damon and he has a blank face. He is staring at me, not in disgust but also not in love. He is just staring at me.

"This shouldn't have happened. I shouldn't have come here. I'm not here for this, I have a  mission and I’m wasting my damn time!'" He said more to himself than to me . After he said it,he looked confused, as if he didn't understand what he just said. As if he had conflicting emotions.

I don't even think he remembered I was there. Since I was still sitting on top of him, I got off and sat next to him.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" I ask in concern. He looks at me with that blank expression again. Then as if everything came back to him, he got up, pushing me in the process and walked out the door. I just sat on my bed confused. When I heard the front door slam I ran to my window.

One second he was there, the next he was gone in a flash of golden light. Since when can witches do that shit! I walk back to my bed and lay down. My mom walks into my room.

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