It'll Get Done!

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Damon's P.O.V.

I grab my phone and head outside. As I walk through the woods behind our house, I dial the council. Someone answers on the first ring.

" Damon, how is everything going?" Mathias says. Hearing his voice only makes me more angry, but I have to stay in control. I take a deep breath and answer.

" How do you think it's going?" I say, my voice monotone.

" I only asked you a simple question Damon, I do not care for the attitude boy. You called me. Now what is going on!" He yells into the phone.

"  Ava sir,  I believe she is my soulmate." I say with my head down.

I take a seat on a big rock, and get ready for his reply. But there isn't one.

"Sir?" I ask.

" I... uh, She is so much like..." he starts to get quite and I can tell he is thinking.

" Sir?" i ask again.

" I..I-I'm here. You need to keep an eye on her, a close eye, Hikara cannot get to her." Before I could respond,  he hangs up the phone.

I thought this phone call would answer some of my questions, but all it's done is confuse things more.

I continue to walk through the woods as I think about everything.


Ava's P.O.V.

The next morning things seemed back to normal, I was almost able to forget about last night. of course, the second I walk through the school's doors everything came crashing back.

Julian was the first person I saw, standing next to my locker. I walked up to her deciding not to give her any of my attention. She glared at me as I made my way to my loker. I think she was surprised when I grabbed my books and left without a single word. 

Halfway to my class I hear footsteps jogging to catch up to me.

" I have something to say to you." Julian says.

"Then start talking because I have somewhere to be." I say to her sternly.

"Just leave Damon alone, I've known him for a really long time and I don't wan't him getting hurt." She says to me.

I was getting ready to yell at her until I saw her face. She almost looked ready to cry. She's right, I don't want a relationship with Damon, it would be a disgrace, but I couldn't stay away form him. 

"Look, I don't want anything to do with him okay, just finish whatever you guys came here to do and leave our town." I say and walk away from her.

I walk into my first class and sit there silent the entire time. The guys made several attempts to try and get me to speak but i just made hand gestures and occational nods. 

We walked into the cafeteria and I feel eyes staring at me. I look around and see Damon. Juliana and Myka seemed to be having a deep conversation about something, while Damon was just staring at me. The guys follow my eyes and notice Damon.

" What the hell is he looking at you for Ava?" Grail asks me. I really didin't wan't to answer.

" Nothing, this is a part of the plan isn't it?" I tell him. He nods but I can tell he is still a little suspicious. Grey and Marco don't really seem to care and fought to get in front of eachother in the line. I look back at Damon's table but I notice that Julian seems to be arguing with Damon. I use my vamp hearing to listen.

" Were not getting anywhere with this, we need to work harder to find her!" Marco quitely yells at Damon, who doesn't really seem to care about what he is saying. 

"It'll get done okay!" He yells back in frustration.

"How long do you think we have! The longer we take, the greater the chance of her finding Ava." Julian shouts.

"Whatever, I think this entire mission is stupid. I really don't even wan't anything to do with this. Mathias has his priorities set too high." Damon responds.

Grail bumps my shoulder and I tune out of the conversation. 

" Are you sure you're alright?" He asks me, sounding worried.

" Yea, I'm fine."

I have no idea what to think. Whatever they are doing, has to do with me, Mathias and some mysterious woman. I don't have a good feeling about this. I wan't to tell the guys but if I did, they would just want to comfront them. I definately don't want that.

The rest of the lunch was filled with me trying to decipher what Damon, Julian, and Myka were talking about. I decided to try and forget about it until I had the chance to talk to one of them. 

School was over and I was driving home. The rest of the school day was uneventful. As i was driving,  I saw a woman in a black dres near the border of the woods. She looked at me almost in awe. I rubbed my eyes and looked back. There was no one there. Am I imagining thing now? Did this have to do with Damon's conversation? I had so many questions and only one way to find the answers.



I've been neglecting this story and my other one,a nd I feel sooooooo  bad. I am going to try and ger better you guys. I promise. Junior year is just sooo stressful. Anyway, done with the excuses. 

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, sorry it was short but I just wasted to get SOMETHING out there for you all to read.

Vote,comment, the usual. Thanks!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2015 ⏰

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