Chapter 7

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After they were done eating, Narcissa showed up, carting bags and bags of things for Kestral and some for Draco, offering to keep the child for the night. Draco agreed, apologizing for his earlier outburst and demanding a hug before the child left.

"She certainly is a character," Hermione said, watching them leave through the Floo Network.

"She's *something*," Draco agreed then he let out a string of expletives, "I forgot to ask Mother to change the bandages on my wings, excuse me," He stood and started toward the fireplace.

"I can help you," Hermione offered, "I'm good with bandage charms." Ron scoffed and Draco sniggered at him, rolling his eyes. Hermione scowled. "Ron, it's bandages. I can assure you *I* am not his Chosen. He won't feel attraction to me, nor I to him. I'd think if he was going to use his allure he would have already."

"What's that? Allure?" Harry asked and Ron hushed him, tired of learning about Veelas.

"It's something, like pheromones, that I give off to attract people. Allure them." Draco said dismissively, going to a cabinet full of bandages, "and before you ask, they never heal. That's why the bandages must be changed." Harry nodded. He had been about to ask that.

"My turn," Ron said, sitting up, "who were the other two in the picture? They looked familiar, but never got close enough." Draco sighed, pulling off his robes. He was wearing a black tee shirt and gray trousers underneath and he pulled himself up to sit on a nearby stool, tossing Hermione the bandages.

"That was the first two to join my brood, Millicent Bullstrode and Blaise Zabini. He was Kestral's father, he's since passed on. Millie, however, is whom you call 'The Watcher'." He pulled his shirt off, laying it across his lap as Hermione approached.

Draco obviously noted Harry and Ron's curious looks and turned himself sideways, allowing them to see the two bandage covered stumps that seemed to flow from his shoulder blades. Harry glanced at Hermione,

"It's not coming on to him if I go over and look, is it? I'm just curious," he said, tilting his head to the side.

"No. It's not." Draco replied, resting his head on his hands as Hermione began carefully removing the bandages. He winced.

"Sorry," Hermione apologized.

"You won't be able to help it, go ahead," he replied through gritted teeth.

Both the stumps seemed raw, Harry noted, approaching. Like the skin had been cut cleanly and peeled off, though not very bloody. It was kind of a sad thing to see and he pitied the blonde for it, it looked completely painful. Hermione began carefully wrapping the clean bandages around them, wincing every time Draco did.

"There's no way to make them come back?" Harry asked sadly. Draco snarled, arching a bit and Hermione gasped.

"It's okay Hermione, I told you, it's not something you can help. Yes, Harry, they could come back. If my Chosen every actually really and truly accepted me, loved me. They would come back in almost one fell swoop. I've accepted their loss."

"Can't you just... I don't know, find someone else?" Harry asked, looking concerned as Draco slipped his shirt on. Ron snorted.

"No, he can't. Not once he's found out who his Chosen is. Honestly, Harry, as long as we've been fighting them?"

"Never thought about it," Harry said, shrugging, "not really concerned about the love lives of the things trying to rip my throat out."

"Understandable," Draco said, standing, "no, I cannot find another Chosen. If I had not gone looking, like a fool, as my Mother did then yes, I could find and be with someone else. They would not be my Chosen, more like a one night stand sort of thing. They could not heal my wings either."

"Well, that just sucks," Harry said, huffing a bit, "it seems unfair."

"It's very unfair," Hermione said, nodding. Draco shrugged, smoothing out his shirt.

"While I agree that it sucks," Ron said, taking a drink of some tea, "I understand it basically. My brother is the Chosen of a Veela, she pretty well does flips to please him. I would do anything for Hermione. It makes sense." Hermione beamed at this while Harry pretended to gag and Draco looked touched. Just a little.

"Well, let's start this training business I suppose. We'll do hand to hand first, as it's hard to be quick enough with the spells when you first learn them." Draco said, seeming to shake the tension out of his body. Long talons grew from his fingers and his tail appeared again, seeminly out of nowhere.

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