Chapter 10

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When Harry awoke the next morning, wrapped in the embrace of his new Veela friend, he was shocked at first- stiffening up entirely. Then, slowly, he remembered the night before and grinned. He remembered finding the blonde unbelievably attractive, and had hit on him several times. Well, hitting on him by Harry's standards anyway. He was glad, in that moment, that Draco had a Chosen. Though it made him sad that the blonde would eventually die. Of course, being the Gryffindor that he was, Harry was going to do his best to belay that event. Draco shifted lightly, his nose scrunching up a bit before his head snapped back- eyes wide. Harry grinned back at him and Draco relaxed, raising himself up and padding across the room,

"My head." He groaned, swinging open the door to the shop and padding out.

Harry got up and followed, his head also pounding and curious. Draco was downing a phial of some potion he'd grabbed off the shelf. Another one was in his other hand and he shoved it towards Harry, "free of charge." he said. Harry turned the little corked phial, reading the label. Hangover Potion. Greatfully, Harry downed the whole thing- like a shot of firewhiskey from the night before. Immediately his head cleared up- headache and slight naseau gone. Draco was now handing him a bottle of water.

"I didn't know that hangover potions existed," Harry said, padding after the blonde back into his apartment.

"They didn't until recently," Draco said, rummaging through the fridge and cabinets for something to eat, "I sort of just invented it, it doesn't help with hydration yet, but, it works otherwise. Are you hungry?"

"No," Harry said, drinking some more of his water, "I've got to get home and then to the office to finish some paperwork. I expect Hermione will be back today, she'll quiz your head off- she's been reading up on Veela. Know thy enemy and all that, but she's not had the chance to actually sit down with one since Christmas."

"I don't mind, the shop's normally empty, and I don't venture out much," Draco replied, cracking eggs into a skillet.

"I'd noticed that, we're in Diagon Alley all the time, never saw you." Harry replied. Draco merely held up his left arm, baring the Dark Mark and Harry understood. With the war having been recent, and the Death Eaters trying to regroup- the mark certainly branded him as a target. Harry left after that, Flooing home to shower and change before heading to the Ministry. He hadn't been gone long before Hermione showed up, more than happy to discuss every thing there was to discuss about Veelas.

They were currently located in Draco's shop, carefully slicing up eye of newt for another batch of bruise remover St. Mungo's had ordered, chatting amicably.

"Who would have thought," Hermione said, grabbing some more eye of newt, "that you and I would ever be here. Like this, just hanging out."

"It's unquestionably strange," Draco agreed, "but, it's nice I suppose."

"We *were* the top students of our class," Hermione said, nodding. Just then, the doorbell went off, signalling someone entering the store. Draco turned, pulling up his hood, and quickly tended to the person. They eyed Hermione carefully, recognizing her slightly though they seemed unsure.

"You're Hermione Weasley, Harry Potter's friend?" the stranger asked, taking his bag from Draco. Hermione merely nodded, "you work here?" he asked.

"No, I do some work with the Aurors, my husband and Harry." she said, coming to the counter, "just hanging out right now." The man eyed Draco suspiciously, trying to see who he was through his hooded cloak.

"You're a Malfoy right?" he asked, Draco nodding stiffly in reply.

"Well, never thought I'd see the day," he said, walking off. Hermione snickered, watching him leave.

"Just serves to prove the previous point," Draco said, turning back to their ingredients. Hermione laughed, returning to the work table with him and continuing their work.

"So, how exactly are you going to teach us how to cast the Veelan spells? How will we know we've gotten them right?"

"I'll let you hit me with several," Draco said, Hermione cut him off.

"Won't that hurt you?"

"Possibly, though not much. I'll cast a shield, and the wingless curse won't hurt me. The others... I'll just know if you've got it right."

"Still, that seems dangerous," Hermione said. Draco shrugged, bringing over some containers for their finished work. It didn't take them long, working in a comfortable silence. They put everything up and Draco closed down the shop, headed out for lunch.

"Let's just go to the Ministry," Hermione said, sighing, she and Draco could not agree on anywhere in Diagon Alley to eat, "they do have all those nice little carts, and I wouldn't mind seeing the scone lady."

"You lot live out of the Ministry now?" Draco asked as they were walking in the doors, heading for the groups of carts.

"Ron and Harry do, I only work when I want to. Get's kinda lonely." Hermione admitted.

"Well, there's no reason you can't come by the shop. Kestral doesn't spend loads of time with me, so it's kind of lonely too."

"I thought Veela needed company or a brood?"

"I have a brood," Draco said sounding haughty, "yet, we're not large. Not like we used to be. Everyone's died, or betrayed me to find their Chosen- like Millie. Kestral doesn't really count, nor does Mother...I guess we've all sort of fallen apart."

"Well, by this time in your life you should have found your Chosen, made your own brood. Why won't you even try Draco?" Hermione turned to order something from the food stall where they were standing now, located on the second floor of the Ministry, for all the workers that did more work than they should, unable to go very far for their lunches. Draco ordered something as well and they went to sit down at one of the nearby bistro style tables.

"Your wings truly were beautiful, I know they define the Veela- don't you want those back?" Hermione asked, thoughtfully stirring a cup of coffee.

"I do. They do. I just... it wouldn't work that way, he would never accept me. I was a Death Eater, I am a Veela."

"He? HA! The first clue!" Hermione cried. Draco gaped at her, not having meant to make the slip.

"Stop that now. I'll not be letting you or anyone else near my Chosen. I'm still a powerful Veela, I will end all this business with the rogues. Harry and Ron and you can round up all the Death Eaters you want. 'Cept me, leave me alone," he teased. Hermione snickered at this.

"You're going to become one of us, one of our group. I just know it." Hermione said approvingly. Draco scowled at her,

"I'd rather not. I'm still a Malfoy, and a Slytherin. I like being me. Friends is okay though."

"Same thing Draco, same thing."

They ate the rest of their meal in comfortable silence, ignoring the stares they got from the other people who milled around them, those that recognized them both anyway.

"Let's go check in on Harry and Ron, want to?" Hermione asked, setting down her napkin.

"Might as well, while we're here." Draco said, shrugging.

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